Strategy Guides/Bacteria/Catalogue 1

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The following are strategies for the Bacteria plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.
Main Page Catalogue
1st Part - 2nd Part

Strategy 1

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As your Bacteria starts to spread, devolve any mutations you receive.

Starting Off

  1. Water 1 (9 DNA)
  2. Bird 1 (13 DNA)
  3. Air 1 (11 DNA)
  4. Drug Resistance 1 (11 DNA)
  5. Bacterial Resilience 1 (7 DNA)

For a total of 51 DNA Points. If you get a message that says a place has added more security, such as "USA bans movement of livestock," evolve the corresponding Transmission (in this case, livestock). Such instances, however, shouldn't occur if you follow this strategy—as long as you don't get the disease spotted. (But if a random event like the passage of rural livestock legislation happens after the disease is spotted, don't bother evolving the corresponding trait, and be ready for an American livestock stasis.)

Upgrade the following to infect more people:

For a total of 62 (Without Genetic ReShuffle 1) or 86 (With Genetic ReShuffle 1) DNA Points.

Accumulate 47 DNA Points and then evolve the following symptoms so you can achieve Total Organ Failure. (You could evolve them one by one, but evolving them all at once lessens chance of failure).

  1. Coughing (4 DNA)
  2. Pneumonia (4 DNA)
  3. Pulmonary Fibrosis (8 DNA)
  4. Total Organ Failure (31 DNA)
For a total of 47 DNA Points.

Strategy 2

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Note: You get the most infection for your DNA from the symptom Coughing. Having only Coughing will not lead to the disease being discovered as long as you immediately devolve all other mutated symptoms and the Mystery Plague event doesn't happen.
  1. Start in India
  2. Get Coughing (4 DNA)
  3. Get Water 1 (9 DNA) and 2 (16 DNA)
  4. Get Air 1 (11 DNA) and 2 (17 DNA)
  5. Get Bacterial Resilience 1 (6 DNA) and 2 (8 DNA)
  6. Get Drug Resistance 1 (13 DNA) and Cold Resistance 1 (10 DNA)
  7. Improve resistances further if, for example, Iceland or Canada is especially slow to infect and you have a lot of DNA. Otherwise, be patient and save the Points for the kill strike and to slow research.
  8. Wait for the message "No more healthy people left in the world" before you evolve fatal symptoms.
  9. When your disease is noticed, immediately buy the abilities Genetic Hardening 1 and 2. If you have Points left now, invest more in lethal symptoms like Hemorrhagic Shock to kill faster.
  10. At the end, buy all abilities that will increase the amount of research needed, and buy the symptoms Coma and Paralysis. This will decrease the percentage of Cure research completed and give you more Points. So, if you still have Points left, invest in symptoms with maximum severity and infectivity, because doing so will increase your game score.

To sum up, the keys to this strategy are: fast and unnoticed transmission, followed by swift kill and decreased researched speed. Related, your score is increased by: increasing disease severity, and decreasing the number of (game) days you need to win, and the percentage of completed research,

Strategy 3

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Evolve the advised traits as soon as possible, in addition, devolve symptoms not listed below

Genetic Code


  1. Start in China
  2. Evolve, in this order (Note: This includes every first-tier symptom except Insomnia, and all second-tier symptoms except Paranoia):
  3. Evolve these transmissions in order:
  4. Now for some infective symptoms:
  5. Stop the cure (Note: If an island closes its ports before you infect it, you may as well restart—you're highly unlikely to win at that point, also If cure goes >90%, get Genetic ReShuffle 1):
  6. Wait for world to get infected (Note: If a country closes its land borders before it's infected, get Bird 1)
  7. Evolve the following lethal and cure-slowing symptoms.

Strategy 4

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This is a simple strategy which will work on Casual, Normal, or Brutal. (It doesn't work on Mega Brutal because the "random medical checkups" in that level make the disease noticed sooner, and so, a cure is available before everyone is infected.)

General Information


Stage 1: Begin

  1. Start anywhere. The best places are India, Saudi Arabia, Greenland, Egypt, Madagascar, or even Norway
  2. If you want, increase game speed. (Note: If symptoms evolve spontaneously, devolve them immediately. Otherwise, doctors will spot the disease and the cure research will begin—and not much longer after that, the cure-research percentage will get out of your control, you'll lose)

Stage 2: Infection

  1. Evolve Bacterial Resilience 1
  2. Evolve Air 1 and Water 1
  3. Evolve Cold Resistance 1 or Heat Resistance 1; the opposite climate of your starting country (e.g., if you started in Egypt, you would evolve Cold Resistance 1). (Note:You should be gaining DNA Points by now. Don't use them on unnecessarily. though: you want to ensure you save them for later.)
  4. Evolve Air 2 and Water 2.
  5. Evolve Insect 1 and Extreme Bioaerosol (Note: Your disease should be spreading madly now. When you get the message, "No more healthy people left in the world," you know it's time.

Stage 3: Kill

  1. Devolve all Transmissions for extra DNA Points
  2. Evolve the following in order: (Note: If you popped all red and orange bubbles and devolved all symptoms, you should have at least twice the amount you need for this)
  3. Evolve:

Strategy 5

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Works in Casual, Normal, and Brutal.

Genetic Code

Stage 1: Infection

  1. Start in Saudi Arabia.
  2. Evolve in this order (Note: Only devolve any lethal symptoms that spontaneously evolve):
  3. Evolve Drug Resistance 1, then Genetic Hardening 1 and Genetic Hardening 2. If Air Filters or New Ship Cleaning Techniques come into effect, evolve the respective Transmission to counteract this.
  4. Evolve Drug Resistance 2 (Note: If at any point the disease is discovered, evolve as many tier 1 or tier 2 symptoms as you like for that sweet, sweet DNA—and you should also allow all mutations if that happens)

Stage 2: Killing

  1. Wait for all countries to have at least 100 people infected.
  2. Evolve Skin Lesions (if you don't have it already), Necrosis, and Hemorrhagic Shock. Continue evolving up to Coma and Total Organ Failure.
  3. If at any point the cure reaches over 75% completion, evolve the next Genetic ReShuffle ability.