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Norway is a rich, urban country. It has a cold, humid climate. Norway has a land border with Russia, Sweden, and Finland

Country Information

IG Factbook: "Two centuries of Viking raids into Europe tapered off following the adoption of Christianity in 994. In 1814, Norwegians resisted the cession of their country to Sweden and adopted a new constitution. Sweden then invaded Norway but agreed to let Norway keep its constitution in return for accepting the union under a Swedish king. Rising nationalism throughout the 19th century led to a 1905 referendum granting Norway independence. Although Norway remained neutral in World War I, it suffered heavy losses to its shipping. Norway proclaimed its neutrality at the outset of World War II, but was nonetheless occupied for five years by Nazi Germany. In 1949, neutrality was abandoned and Norway became a member of NATO. Discovery of oil and gas in adjacent waters in the late 1960s boosted Norway's economic fortunes."


Seaport Links

Norway will send and receive ships from Germany, Greenland, UK, and Iceland


CountryState norway 1 2-sharedassets0.assets-553.png

Business as Usual

CountryState norway 3-sharedassets0.assets-481.png

General Disruption

CountryState norway 4 5-sharedassets0.assets-371.png

Widespread Disorder

CountryState norway 6 7-sharedassets0.assets-230.png

No Longer Exists


  • In the Sovereign Default scenario, Norway and Germany are the only rich countries in Europe, in which their economies have not been affected by the events occurring in the history of the scenario, while other European countries such as France, the United Kingdom and Spain lose this characteristic.[1]
  • Norway, along with other countries in the far north of the world, is one of the places where DrillZero, a fictitious company that appears at the moment of beating Frozen Virus in Cure Mode. can start mining the Permafrost layer.[2]
  • The tank seen on the Norway's City Cam during Widespread Disorder and No Longer Exists is an M47 Patton.[3]


  1. Sovereign Default Country Data - Game Files (See countries.txt)
  2. The event where the possible people are chosen for DrillZero to start operations is called "cure_frozen_drill_1" (See Game Files § Cure Mode (See Game File: standard__cure.txt)).
  3. Kubina (2006-05-22). "Tanks". Wikimedia Commons Retrieved on July 7, 2022.