Strategy Guides/Bacteria

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General Information Strategy Guides
Main Game - Cure Mode
The following are strategies for the Bacteria plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.
Main Page Catalogue
1st Part - 2nd Part

General Information

The bacteria is a pathogen that can adapt in almost all environments, so the player can start in any country and wait for the world to become infected, although some are more recommendable such as South Africa and Saudi Arabia, the ports and airports of these two countries are used by many people from different parts of the world, so it helps to spread the disease quickly, alternatively, the player can start in Egypt and use the insect transmissions.[1]

It is possible that the player in the early game has to devolve mutated symptoms, at least symptoms with certain severity or lethality. Having mutated symptoms early in the game may cause people to detect the disease and try to cure it when it has not yet spread effectively throughout the world. In addition, evolving air and water transmissions is important to spread the bacteria, and depending on which country the disease started in, one should use climate resistances, in other words, if the player started in a country with a hot climate, the disease will have an effectiveness bonus for these climates, but would have to evolve cold resistance to be able to adapt to other countries with different climates. When all island nations have a considerable number of infected, it is advisable to evolve Necrosis or Total Organ Failure.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Madanapalle, Aditya (2021-04-15). "Plague Inc strategies – Ensuring the extinction of humanity". Retrieved on April 25, 2022.