Strategy Guides/Bacteria/Catalogue 2

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The following are strategies for the Bacteria plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.
Main Page Catalogue
1st Part - 2nd Part

Strategy 6

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Note: This strategy needs to be expanded.

General Information


  1. Choose Sympto-Stasis, Aquacyte, Catalytic Switch, Genetic Mimic, and any environment gene.
  2. Start in Saudi Arabia.
  3. Evolve Cysts, Abscesses, Rash, Sweating, and Skin Lesions in any order.
  4. Evolve Coughing, Pneumonia, Sneezing, Hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Paranoia, Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhoea in any order.
  5. Evolve Air 1 and 2, and Water 1 and 2, in any order.
  6. Evolve Heat Resistance 1, Cold Resistance 1 and 2, Drug Resistance 1 and 2, and Necrosis in any order.
  7. When Greenland is infected, evolve Dysentery, Anaemia, and any symptom that isn't very lethal.
  8. When Greenland is nearly fully infected, evolve more lethal symptoms.
  9. Evolve the genetic reshuffles, as needed.

Strategy 7

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This strategy does not work on Mega Brutal.

Basic Information

  • Author: Blackfriday745
  • Difficulty: Brutal, Normal, or Casual
  • A 99.99% Win Rate.
  • Time:
    • Casual: 310-365 Days
    • Normal: 375-425 Days
    • Brutal: 435-455 Days (Untested)

Genetic Code

Genes are not needed, but if used in Brutal, Sympto-Stasis and Patho-Stasis are strongly recommended. Aerocyte and Aquacyte will increase your speed, so they are also recommended. It depends on whether you want to go for Urbophile or Extremophile, and to get this much DNA, Metabolic Jump might also be ideal.

Part 1: Transmissions

  1. Start in Saudi Arabia.
  2. Save up 19 DNA and evolve Air 1 and Water 1.
  3. Evolve Rash, Sweating, and Skin Lesions.
  4. Evolve the following symptoms once Saudi Arabia is almost fully infected (Note: If your disease gets noticed, do not worry. Since Severity is not too high, the cure will not proceed too quickly.:
  5. Once you get into Europe, save up 79 Points for both levels of Cold Resistance, and finish the water and air tree to acquire Extreme Bioaerosol.
  6. Go for Drug Resistance 1 and 2, and (optional) Genetic Hardening 1.
  7. Wait until every country has at least 1 person infected, and 80% of the world is infected. (To infect Greenland, make sure the Nordic countries have hit critical mass so they can send infected ships into that seaport. If Greenland closes its seaport, restart.)

Part 2: Killing

  1. Evolve Necrosis.
  2. Save up approximately 47 DNA Points for Coughing and Pneumonia (if you do not already have this) and Pulmonary Fibrosis and Total Organ Failure.
  3. Wait until the whole world is infected. (Note: This is optional, as step 4 above might result in too much lethality. It is not recommended if you didn't follow step 3, wait until the whole world is infected, then get Dysentery and/or Hemorrhagic Shock)

Part 3: Cure

  1. Save up for Genetic ReShuffle 1
    • Optionally evolve Genetic ReShuffle 2 in case the cure has advanced a lot (e.g. more than 50% has been completed) or in case you want to get more points.
    Note: After evolving, if Lethality is too high (that is, the disease is killing faster than new people are infected), devolve Total Organ Failure or you will lose.
  2. Wait for the bacteria to unleash armageddon on the world (Note: If you followed this correctly, you should get at least 3 biohazards. However, this strategy is not recommended in Mega Brutal because of the random medical checks in that level)


Strategy 8

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This guide won’t help you get a high score, but is stable for Mega Brutal difficulty. Four biohazards are guaranteed. You'll need some luck to get five, though.

Basic Information

Genetic Code

  • Catalytic Switch
  • Genetic Mimic
  • Aquacyte
  • Extremophile
  • Sympto-Stasis

Stage 1: Beginning

  1. Start in Saudi Arabia.
  2. Evolve the following symptoms to get a large amount of infectivity:
  3. Evolve Air 1, Drug Resistance 1, Water 1, Air 2, and Cold Resistance 1.

Stage 2: Spreading

  1. You probably have been discovered by now. Evolve Skin Lesions and Diarrhoea for some extra infectivity, severity, and a bit of lethality.
  2. Evolve Water 2, Cold Resistance 2, Drug Resistance 2, and Extreme Bioaerosol. Allow all mutations except Necrosis or Dysentery.
  3. Evolve Genetic Hardening 1 and Genetic Hardening 2 to slow the cure progression.

Stage 3: Killing

Once all islands have been infected, evolve Necrosis.

  1. Evolve Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, and Insanity to slow the cure.
  2. If Greenland and Iceland both have at least 10K infected people, evolve Total Organ Failure.
  3. Evolve Hemorrhagic Shock when the whole world is infected.
  4. Evolve Genetic Reshuffle 1, 2, 3, Coma, and Paralysis.



Strategy 9

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This is a speedrun strategy guide, so the gameplay might be aggressive. This strategy is not recommended for newcomers.

Genetic Code

The strategy works fine in all difficulties except Mega-Brutal. Genetic Code is not necessary, but if you want, I recommend (Note: These genes will boost speed for evolving and infecting):

Stage 1: Infecting

  1. Start in Saudi Arabia. Quickly get Rash, Sweating, and Skin Lesions
  2. Evolve Bird 1 and Air 1 as soon as possible.
  3. After that, evolve the symptom tree beginning with Nausea until you get the game symptom Diarrhoea. (If your disease has reached India or China, get Coughing.)
  4. Then, evolve transmissions in the order of: Air 2, Water 1, Water 2, and Bird 2 (If your disease has infiltrated rich countries (especially those in Europe!), get Drug Resistance 1 as soon as possible.)

Stage 2: Mid-Game

  1. Your disease will be discovered around this time. No worries about that—keep evolving. Get Coughing (if you haven't), Sneezing, and Pneumonia.
  2. From now on, keep collecting DNA. If your disease has gotten to cold countries, get Cold Resistance 1. Consider Cold Resistance 2 if infection speed is low.

Stage 3: Killing

  1. When all countries are infected, get Necrosis, Hemorrhagic Shock, and possibly Total Organ Failure.
  2. Get all high-lethality symptoms, if you want.
  3. Watch out for countries with few infections. Pick up transmissions when necessary.

Strategy 10

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This strategy's adapted from whisperwalk's guide on the Plague Inc subreddit. I play on mobile, and none of the Mega Brutal 5 Biohazard Bacteria guides I could find worked for me, until I came up with this.

Basic information

  • Difficulty: Mega Brutal
    • Most of the time, I can complete the game in approximately 330-390+ days with 20+ to 30+% Cure Research. Personal best is 354 days and 21%.
  • The key, as always, is to infect island countries ASAP so that we can safely get the final-tier symptoms underway:
    • We need to shorten our time-to-flight out of Saudi Arabia.
    • Greenland only receives ships from Russia and Norway, so we need to get infected ships out of them quickly, primarily via Russia. Our strategy is effective enough that we can potentially infect Greenland before some other islands.
  • The research breakthrough event, which increases Cure percentage, can potentially push your score into the 4 Biohazard range, so you'll be relying a little on the RNG gods for this not to happen or the effect to be mild enough.

Genetic Code

The boosted research speed neutralises just about every cure-impeding Gene and Ability; the only effective solution is to kill quickly.

  • Metabolic Jump: We use this instead of ATP Boost to yield us sufficient DNA points during the mid-game.
  • Aerocyte: Helps shorten our time-to-flight out of Saudi Arabia and proliferate worldwide more quickly.
  • Sympto-Stasis: We stick to the meta here.
  • Darwinist: Despite Genetic Mimic being the meta, it doesn't seem to contribute enough to get 5 Biohazards for me. Switching to Darwinist, which helps increase the likelihood of mutating symptom combos, was what finally did it.
  • Rurophile: Gets Russia to critical mass and infect ships sooner.


  1. Start in Saudi Arabia.
    1. If a Festival of Love occurs anytime, go ahead and evolve Nausea.
  2. Evolve Anaemia, Haemophilia, then Rash, Sweating, and Skin Lesions.
    1. This allows Profuse Bleeding to mutate, which greatly boosts infectivity. It's also slightly lethal but that's ok; this isn't a stealth build.
    2. Devolve any lethal symptom (tier 3+) which mutates. That's too much lethality and will cause islands to close ports before infection.
  3. Evolve Air 1, Air 2.
  4. Evolve Drug Resistance 1, Cold Resistance 1, Bacterial Resilience 1, and Cold Resistance 2.
  5. If a ship sterilisation filter event had occurred, evolve Water 1 then Coughing and Pneumonia. Otherwise, you can evolve Water 1 last.
  6. Set your game to normal speed, then evolve Water 2, Extreme Bioaerosol, and Bird 1. These will likely cause a burst of new country infections, so we don't want to miss out on those precious bubbles. Missing 1's tolerable, 2's a risk, anymore and it's bad for the final score.
    1. Our disease should be spotted around now. If Profuse Bleeding doesn't mutate by the end of this step, the odds of getting 5 Biohazards is dramatically lower, though not impossible.
  7. Evolve Drug Resistance 2. You can resume fast forward after this if you want.
  8. Wait for either of the two conditions to be met, whichever first, before proceeding further:
    1. Both the WHO watchlist and "<disease name> is more infectious than the Common Cold" events occur.
    2. All islands are infected.
  9. Evolve Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, Insanity, then Inflammation and Paralysis.
  10. Once all island countries are infected:
    1. Allow any symptom to mutate except Total Organ Failure. You must evolve this manually.
    2. Evolve Necrosis, Coma, Hemorrhagic Shock, then Dysentary.
  11. Evolve Total Organ Failure. By the time you've enough DNA to evolve this, you should be able to infect the last uninfected on time.
  12. Wait for the rapid influx of DNA points to slow, when most of the world is dead and genetic drift is nullified. Evolve as many as you can from Genetic Reshuffle 1, 2, and 3. This should set back the Cure percentage enough to get 5 Biohazards.
    1. If you want, you can devolve 2 Transmissions and 2 Abilities (except Drug Resistance 2 and Bacterial Resilience 1) to squeeze out an extra 6 DNA points, since you no longer need them.
  13. If you still have excess DNA leftover, evolve Internal Haemorrhaging, Systemic Infection, and other symptoms to quicken the kill rate and increase Cure Research requirement.
Congrats on getting 5 Biohazards with Mega Brutal Bacteria!