Strategy Guides/Shadow Plague/Catalogue 4

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The following are strategies for the Shadow Plague plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.
Main Page Catalogue
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Strategy 9 (Mega Brutal with Shadow Blessing)

Author: Bihapove

improved from a strategy (currently deleted) by jinbeili

This strategy is really fun compared to the traditional "Stall for 300 DNA and then click upgrades until win" strategy.

Very sadly, the game's score mechanic favours the Stall strategy. This one is as stable as the slow strategy but it only gets you a 4 Biohazards rating.

Genetic Code


Difficulty: Mega Brutal

Stage 1: Undiscovered

Stage 2: The War

Stage 3: Cleanup

  • Once all Templar forces have been destroyed, attack any country with a high cure contribution or low infected rate, while continuing to evolve Vampiric Awakening. Invest remaining DNA point into Transmissions (depending on your infection) or Cure-impeding symptoms. Be fast and repeat this until win.
  • Usual score on Mega Brutal: ~550 days, 3 or 4 Biohazards. Success Rate: >90%

Stradegy 10

Note: This is a modified version of DiseaseMaster7's stradegy, but just way faster.

Genetic Code

  • Mad Scientist (So you don't have to worry about the bubbles and can control your vampire more freely)
  • Harvester (More DNA is always good)
  • Fair Weather Bat (So your vampire can move very quickly as long as you keep your health topped off)
  • Teracyte (Countries closes their ports and airports very quickly after the disease is spotted)
  • Extremophile (You know why)



Calm Before The Storm

War Is Declared

  • You should be spotted at this point while devouring Iceland. Ignore for now.
  • Once Templars set up, move to the closest Templar base and destory them. You should focus on getting both Travel Speed upgrades at this point.
  • Make sure you get Shadow Blades, as you can at most destory one base without too much risk with only 2 upgrades.
  • Once 2-3 bases have been destoryed, assuming you have already gotten the Dark Rituals at this point, eat a nearby country until you get enough for Demonic Fury.
  • Go after the remaining bases.

War Victory

  • Now that you have destoryed the Templars, you can eat as you please. Go to India and feast on them.
  • Make sure you evolved Lair, Shadow Portal and .
  • Build a base in: Canada, UK, Australia and Central Africa (You can build one more in a hot or cold country if you want), this is to ensure you get the maximum effectiveness out of the Tolerance traits.
  • Get until 400 DNA by countine to eat away at the Indian subcontinent then you must evolve the following:

The World Is Yours