Abilities (Shadow Plague)

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  • Note: As the Shadow Plague is a Special Plague, most of its abilities increase the strength of the Vampire instead of the Pathogen itself, therefore none of these abilities increase any Core Stats.
Ability Description Base Cost Other increases
Data Source: Shadow Plague Trait Stats (Game File: vampire.txt)
Therianthropy Vampire gains ability to temporarily mutate into a vast, winged bat-like creature. Allows travel to nearby countries 3
Travel Speed 1 Vampire doubles the size of their wing span when in bat form  - increasing flight distance and speed 8
Travel Speed 2 Vampire increases muscle mass in bat form - further increasing flight distance and speed 13
Blood Thirst Vampire feeds by drinking the blood from its victims whilst they are still alive, eventually sucking them dry 3 +1 Infectivity on countries with a Vampire
Night Wraith Vampire adapts to the modern world and is able to feed much more stealthily as well as concealing their presence. Makes it harder for humans to detect vampire 7
Blood Gift Vampire visits hundreds of humans each night and marks them in blood, infecting them with the Shadow Plague 3 +1 Infectivity on countries with a Vampire
Dark Cloud Vampire able to meditate and emit the Shadow Plague in a huge cloud. Tens of thousands of humans infected each day 4 +1 Infectivity on countries with a Vampire
Shadow Trail The vampire continually secretes the Shadow Plague everywhere they go. Hundreds of thousands of people are infected every day 5 +1 Infectivity on countries with a Vampire
Corrupted Air The Shadow Plague erupts out of every pore in the vampire's body - millions of humans are infected each day 6 +1 Infectivity on countries with a Vampire
Blood Rage Vampire gains ability to enter a Blood Rage - will attack research/military facilities if present, otherwise consuming people for DNA 10
Lair Vampire able to create a lair for it to rest in and heal. Also generates DNA (Infected population increases DNA) 2
Lair Healing 1 Increases the speed at which vampires can heal when in their lair 1 +0.025 Healing Speed
Lair Healing 2 Increases the speed at which vampires can heal when in their lair 5 +0.06 Healing Speed
Shadow Portal When travelling, vampire is able to instantly travel to any lair in the world - regardless of distance 9
Anti-biotic Tolerance Each lair built in a wealthy country will help the Shadow Plague increase its effectiveness in wealthy countries 23 +0.1 in Rich Countries
Heat Tolerance Each lair built in a hot country will help the Shadow Plague increase its effectiveness in hot countries 15 +0.1 in Hot Climates
Cold Tolerance Each lair built in a cold country will help the Shadow Plague increase its effectiveness in cold countries 16 +0.1 in Cold Climates
Adrenal Surge Mutation of the adrenal cortex increases adrenaline and can trigger frenzied biting attacks - blood rage becomes more powerful 7 +0.3 Blood Rage Strength
Dark Infiltration Vampire melds with the darkness and is able to move undetected at night. Blood rage becomes more powerful 14 +0.6 Blood Rage Strength
Shadow Blades Vampire is able to create devastating blades of shadow which cut down everything before it. Blood rage becomes more powerful 24 +1 Blood Rage Strength
Demonic Fury Vampire channels the Shadow Plague to call down unspeakable devastation on its foes. Blood rage becomes more powerful 36 +1.5 Blood Rage Strength
Dark Ritual 1 If vampire is not under attack during Blood Rage, it enters a trance which lets it rapidly heal whilst feeding from people 4 +0.03 Healing Speed when not under attack
Dark Ritual 2 If vampire is not under attack during Blood Rage, it enters a trance which lets it rapidly heal whilst feeding from people 13 +0.065 Healing Speed when not under attack