Symptoms (Shadow Plague)

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Symptom Description Base Cost Infectivity Severity Lethality Other Increases
Data Source: Shadow Plague Trait Stats (Game File: vampire.txt)
Shadow Blessing The vampire releases the Shadow Plague to help subjugate humanity. Victims develop severe bruising 0 3 4 0 Shadow Plague Active flag turned on
Anabolic Boost Surges of testosterone significantly increase muscle mass - increases infectivity but can also be lethal 1 1 3 2
Anaemia Decreased volumes of red blood cells lead to infected looking pale. Increases infectivity -1[Note 1] 1 3 0 +0.01 Cure Requirement
Autophagia Infected have overwhelming compulsion to consume their own bodies - extremely lethal 19 0 7 15
Blood Sacrifice 1 Infected bleed themselves to strengthen the vampire. Lairs generate more DNA as more people are infected 5 0 0 1 +2 Lair Bubble Points
Blood Sacrifice 2 Infected bleed themselves to strengthen the vampire. Lairs generate more DNA as more people are infected 16 0 0 1 +4 Lair Bubble Points
Cranial Elephantitis Adenoma triggers mutated growth hormones which trigger bone growth in the skull. Highly lethal 11 0 6 10
Dark Pustules Cysts develop and fill with a dark pus. Increase infectivity and slightly harder to cure 5 1 4 0 +0.05 Cure Requirement
+0.01 Cure Work
Dermal Calcification Mutations in the endocrine system cause parts of skin to harden and calcify. Lethal over time 11 0 4 7
Haemorrhagic Shock Severe loss of blood volume causes oxygen deprivation, loss of consciousness and death 8 0 5 6
Hyperdontia The teeth in the infected grow and can protrude from the mouth. Increases infectivity 3 4 3 0
Hypersensitivity Increases likelihood of allergic reactions which can distract the immune system. Harder to cure 8 1 3 0 +0.08 Cure Requirement
+0.02 Cure Work
Hypocoagulability Significally reduced blood clotting ability results in heavy external bleeding. Often fatal due to exsanguination. 3 1 4 3
Internal Haemorrhaging Arterial membranes break down, causing rapid internal bleeding and death 6 0 4 5
Jugular Bite The infected feel an urge to go and bite others on the neck, significantly targeting the jugular. Increases infectivity 8 9 6 0
Latent Adaptation Pathogen repeatedly alters the proteins on its cell wall helping to prevent an immune reaction. Significantly harder to cure 23 0 5 0 +0.2 Cure Requirement
+0.1 Cure Work
Malignant Pigmentation Skin pigmentation altered - increasing chance of mutation when exposed to sunlight and harder to cure 10 1 4 0 +0.01 Cure Requirement
+0.03 Cure Work
+0.15 Mutation
Masticatory Tension Masticatory muscles become engorged, increasing the effectiveness of biting another human and increasing infectivity 7 16 10 0
Muscular Hypotrophy Surges of contractile proteins combined with constant micro trauma increase muscle mass. Infected easily able to overpower other humans. Significantly increases infectivity. 7 12 6 0
Nocturnal Infected struggle to sleep at night, increases infectivity 0 2 3 0
Pallor Suppressed blood flow gives victims a deathly white appearance. Increases infectivity 2 3 2 0
Pheromone secretion Axillary steroids manipulates pheromone production, making victims more charismatic and able to easily manipulate/ seduce others. Increases infectivity 4 5 2 0
Photophobia As the disease infects the brain, excessive optic nerve impulses trigger a severe intolerance to light. Increases infectivity 2 4 4 0
Shadow Slaves Neuropathic manipulation causes severe behavorial abnormalities and eventually permanent psychosis - causing infected to become slaves to the vampire 10 10 6 0 Shadow Slaves Flag turned on
Steroidal Boost Victims develop additional muscle mass and appear healthier and more attractive. Increases infectivity 3 4 1 0
Vampiric Awakening Create a new vampire by temporarily producing toxic mutagens. Almost all infected will die but eventually, a viable host will be found (reusable) 11 0 2 25
Weeping Sores Misshapen sores appear on the face and ooze dark pus - increases infectivity -1[Note 1] 4 4 0


  1. 1.0 1.1 Unlike most traits, Anaemia and Weeping Sores have their cost as a positive value (instead of negative) in the Game Files, so when converted to the values used in the game, their cost would appear as negative.