Strategy Guides/Shadow Plague/Catalogue 3

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The following are strategies for the Shadow Plague plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
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Strategy 7

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This strategy has been tested on Casual, Normal and Brutal respectively and it works. Unknown whether it works on Mega Brutal or not, but you can try.

Basic Information

  • Author: Zephyr

Genetic Code

  • Extremophile (optional)
  • Brawler (required)
  • ATP Boost (optional)
  • Rest you can choose on your own.


This will be divided into two sections, Vampire, and Plague.

Part 1: Vampire

  • Choose Saudi Arabia or Egypt as starting country. It doesn't really matter which, but either allows a healthy population for your vampire.
  • As soon as your vampire rises, you should get at least 21 DNA points before proceeding.
  • Evolve Blood Rage, Theriantrophy and Adrenal Surge.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, start the plague during this part. It will require you to multitask a lot and increase difficulty by setting both WHO and Templars on your tail.
  • Start a blood rage in your starting country. Do not move out of it just yet.
  • As soon as you have enough DNA points, create a lair in your starting county. This will chiefly be for extra DNA points.
  • As soon as you create a lair, start evolving the following:
  • Dark Ritual 1
  • Dark Infiltration
  • Shadow Blades
  • Travel Speed 1
  • Travel Speed 2
  • By now, Templars should have warned the world and set up forts across countries. Fly to the nearest ones and destroy them, going for the ones that are farthest last. Do not give them a chance to start another fort in another country. If a fort seems to hard to beat, retreat to a non fortified country, heal with a blood rage and attack the fort again. As you attack the forts, evolve the following:
  • Demonic Fury
  • Shadow Portal
  • If a fort shows a popup that it can withstand anything, go for that one last.
  • Do not worry if a templar destroys your lair. It was mainly for extra DNA points, as stated earlier, but you can save it if you wish.
  • Once all the Templar forts are down, fly over to Greenland. Start a blood rage there and finish off Greenland.
  • Then, go to Iceland, and do the same. But don't kill Iceland just yet; if a message pops up saying vigilantes in Iceland are hunting the vampire every time it feeds, go to USA. Else, kill off Iceland too and then go to USA.
  • Create another lair in USA. Travel over to S.E Asia and create another lair there. (These two are necessary. Create more lairs depending on the amount of vampires you'll have, one for each vampire.)
  • Now for the boring part: Go to India and start a blood rage there. Wait for your DNA points to hit a solid 100 or more.

Part 2: Plague

  • Once you've done the steps given above, start evolving the following:
  • Shadow Blessing
  • Nocturnal
  • Steroidal Boost
  • Pheromone Secretion
  • Photophobia
  • Hyperdontia
  • Jugular Bite
  • Shadow Slaves
  • Now, wait until at least 25% of India is infected. While you do that, make sure to get some more DNA Points. Once it reaches 25%, evolve Vampiric wakening.
  • Start evolving:
  • Blood Gift
  • Dark Cloud
  • Shadow Trail
  • Let the Shadow plague spread across Asia on it's own. You don't have to evolve anything regarding the spread of the plague in warm, cold or rich countries- you have the vampire for that. Don't touch Transmissions either.
  • Head over to USA and spread the plague there. Start a blood rage to increase its speed. Wait here till the next vampire arises.
  • Now, divide the continents in two- In one group, keep North and South America, as well as Africa. On the other one, keep Asia, Europe and Oceania. Send one vampire to each group. This will make sure no vampire has to travel ridiculous distances to go and destroy a WHO lab.
  • By now, you should have Muscular Hypotrophy and Masticatory tension evolved.
  • By now, the world should have noticed your plague, and WHO should've started creating laboratories. Determine the location of the lab, and send the vampire in charge of the place to destroy the laboratory. Destroy all laboratories like this.
  • Do not worry about the cure, it will never reach a 100% if you destroy all WHO labs. If, however, you start to see that it has started rising too fast, start evolving the following according to the cure status:
  • Dark Pustules (Cure <=25%)
  • Hyper Sensitivity (Cure >= 25%)
  • Malignant Pigmentation (Cure < 25%)
  • Latent Adaption (If it comes to it, go ahead for it without hesitation)
  • Now, start sending each of your vampires to countries in their area which yet have not been infected. Make sure to prioritize island countries first; except of course Greenland and Iceland, considering both of them are dead. Blood rage in every uninfected country to give it a head start in infection.
  • If you feel that it is necessary, evolve Vampiric Awakening again.
  • Continue spreading the plague around the world, and watch as the worlds helplessly become slaves to the Vampire Lord(s).