Strategy Guides/Fungus

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The following are strategies for the Fungus plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.

Strategy 1

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This is a strategy for those who are gunning for maximum Biohazard, where it's in speedrun, scenario or normal gameplay.

Basic Information

Recommended Genes


  1. Before you start anywhere, evolve Bird 1. This is similar to Air 1.
  2. Start in Saudi Arabia, the Primary Plague Starting Point, in my opinion.
  3. Evolve your first Spore Burst, and collect the DNA points. Evolve Spore Bursts as soon as you can, maximizing the amount of total coverage. If you're lucky, you'll end up in Greenland.
  4. Don't evolve Spore Eruption right after you evolve a Spore Burst. Presumably, this can counter the effects of the Spore Eruption.
  5. Evolve the Spore Eruptions (1 at a time) after you've evolved all the Spore Bursts. Once both Spore Eruptions have been evolve, evolve Spore Hardening.
  6. Evolve Air 1, and then evolve Cold Resistance 1 and Drug Resistance 1. Even if you haven't infected any cold countries, you've likely infected a rich country or two, usually including the USA.
  7. Evolve Water 1 to increase chances of infecting island countries.
  8. Evolve Coughing, Rash, Sweating, Sneezing, and Skin Lesions. This will increase infectivity, but may cause early detection. Depending on the difficulty level, there may be little response or no response at all.
  9. Evolve Blood 1 and Insect 1. This can serve as the base of a useful transmission combo.
  10. Allow symptoms to mutate, unless they are lethal on their own or as part of a symptom combo (a prime example is the Profuse Bleeding symptom combo). That would cause the uninfected countries to shut your disease out. Evolve Water 2, and Cold Resistance 2. Whether or not you've made it to Greenland, don't let Iceland hold you up.
  11. Once all countries are infected, allow symptoms to mutate at will. Necrosis is a prime favorite of mine.
  12. Evolve Genetic Hardening 1, and evolve Genetic ReShuffle 1 if you believe the cure effort's getting too far along.
  13. If Greenland shuts you out before you get to it, evolve Blood 2, Insect 2, and Extreme Hematophagy. There's a chance that a Contaminated Package (unlocked by evolving Extreme Hematophagy) will spontaneously infect Greenland for you.
  14. Evolve all symptoms you can. If you're lucky, you'll get a symptom combo that will increase your infectivity, slow down the cure effort, increase lethality, or even all of the above.
  15. Watch as the world burns. Congratulations. You've destroyed the world.

Strategy 2

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This is a simple strategy which will work on Casual, Normal or Brutal (This doesn't work on Mega Brutal because the 'random medical check-ups' make the disease noticed and a cure is available before everyone is infected.


Genetic Code


  1. Start anywhere... the best places are India, Saudi Arabia, Greenland, Egypt, Madagascar or even Norway. Note: If any symptoms devolve them inmediately. Doctors will spot the disease and the Cure Research will begin. In the future the cure research will be too much.
  2. Evolve Air 1 and Water 1
  3. Evolve Cold Resistance 1 or Heat Resistance 1; the opposite climate of your starting country. (e.g. if you started in Egypt you would evolve Cold Resistance 1). You should be gaining DNA Points by now. Make sure you save them up for later though.
  4. Evolve Air 2 and Water 2.
  5. Evolve Insect 1 and Extreme Bioaerosol.If iceland or Greenland is infected but not progressing, get cold 2.
  6. When you get the message 'No more healthy people left in the world', you know it's time. Devolve all Transmissions for extra DNA Points
  7. Evolve Coughing,Pneumonia, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Total Organ Failure,Insomnia, Paranoia & Coma.
  8. Devolve Insomnia. You should've had enough for all of those because if you popped all the red and orange bubbles and devolved all symptoms you should have at least twice the amount you needed. Paranoia is the most important as people won't want to go and see the doctor.
  9. Evolve Genetic Hardening 1, Genetic ReShuffle 1 and Genetic Hardening 2
  10. EvolveAnaemia,Haemophilia,Internal Haemorrhaging & Hemorrhagic Shock. Watch as the last few people hopelessly die. Watch as the screen with the words 'Victory! *your disease name here* has successfully eliminated all life on earth.

Strategy 3

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Note: Strategy submitted in March 4, 2019; 5 years ago (2019-03-04)

Basic Information

  • Author: Weesee II
  • Author Notes: This is more of a general strategy/tips guide on how to beat it on Mega Brutal. This isn't a complete step by step tutorial. Since Fungus is slow to infect, this general strategy will utilize Spore Burst, along with some genes, to drastically help improve the speed of which the world is infected.

Genetic Code


Since Fungus has a hard time spreading across land and in arid environments, Teracyte and Xerophile will help balance it out.

I won with Base Oxidisation, but due to the randomness of mutations and faster cure speed, Genetic Mimic allows more consistent results if trial-and-error is used.

Start in Saudi Arabia. This is absolutely required as it has access to all airports and gives a heat bonus.

Start to evolve ONE of the Spore Burst trees as soon as you can. Do not evolve Spore Eruption. The extra infected countries should give you some extra DNA. Due to the randomness of Spore Burst infectivity, the next sections are dealt with as priorities instead of steps.

First Priority Evolutions

Under Transmissions, evolve the Air 1 and the Bird Tree as soon as you can. Air 2 can also be obtained if the DNA stock is well managed. These will further help increase the speed of which the fungus spreads.

Under Symptoms, evolve Coughing and Rash to increase general infectivity. Depending on how soon your Fungus gets discovered, evolve Sweating and Pneumonia as well to increase the bonus in Cold climate.

Under Abilities, Cold Resistance 1 and Drug Resistance 1 should be developed first. Depending on which countries you have infected, Cold Resistance 2 should also be developed, especially in a country like Greenland, Iceland or Russia. These should take priority over symptoms because the fungus will be severely limited in cold/rich countries if you infect them early on.

Second Priority Evolutions

When the first wave of countries starts to rapidly increase in its infected count, and especially if a country like India or China does, the second Spore Burst tree should get unlocked. Again, do not unlock either Spore Eruption. This will create another surplus of DNA. On top of that, countries should start to get infected independently if they haven't already, so watch for exactly the right time to unleash the second set of bursts.

Under Transmissions, Air 2 should be evolved if it wasn't already. Water 1 should be evolved, and Water 2 as well if the DNA stock is managed well. This will allow the fungus to spread via boat, which will help infect Island Countries. Only Water 1 is required, but the game may be slower.

Under Symptoms, Skin Lesions and Sneezing should get evolved. This will increase general infectivity, severity, and open up the path to Necrosis. Should help with extra DNA gain from infecting more people.

Under Abilities, Genetic Hardening 1 and Genetic Hardening 2 are top priority at this point. Depending on which countries are struggling, Drug Resistance 2 OR Heat Resistance 1 should be evolved.

At this point, the disease will get spotted if it hasn't been spotted already. If an "awareness day" occurs, or a blood test gets the disease spotted before most of the first priority evolutions have been attained, the Cure Progress will speed up too much before late game.

It's important to watch how quickly the world is getting infected and to time your evolutions carefully to manage DNA. Otherwise, you could get stalled too long waiting for extra DNA.

On top of this, genetic drift and other gameplay variations might change specific playthroughs, forcing players to consolidate DNA points for top priority evolutions or to use different bonuses to counteract events.

Third Priority Evolutions

After some time, infectivity should have increased enough to allow the usage of the Spore Eruption and Spore Hardening abilities. Time it correctly so that they get most, if not all, of the remaining countries before the infected count skyrockets above 2 or 3 billion. This will also give an extra surplus of DNA.

Under Transmissions, if the remaining countries are not being infected fast enough, evolve Extreme Bioaerosol. Otherwise, do not evolve anything.

Under Symptoms, Pulmonary Oedema and/or Pulmonary Fibrosis should be attained to kickstart the lethality, while balancing it with infectivity. DNA management and timing is of the essence as doing it too soon will significantly increase the cure speed and leave you with little DNA gain. Once again, when enough DNA is attained and enough of the population is infected, evolve Necrosis. This should kickstart DNA gain from the death toll.

Under Abilities, nothing needs to be evolved until the cure progress reaches 75% or more. When it does, evolve only Genetic ReShuffle 1. Wait until it's 75% again, and repeat. Do not bother with cure reducing symptoms unless they mutate as the payoff is not significant enough and the Genetic Drift + Costs Increase will make it very costly on DNA.

If everything works out, the world should be dead before cure research is completed. If there's a surplus of DNA, consider evolving Hemorrhagic Shock to increase the death rate.

Mutation Notes

  • Do not rely on Mutation. The aggressive speed required to beat the fungus on Mega-Brutal, combined with the average rate of mutations occuring, means that mutations can only be helpful, not required, in any strategy.
  • If Base Oxidisation is used, it's very likely more transmissions will mutate. If this happens in the early game, it's possible some Symptoms like Sneezing won't need to be evolved.
  • Devolve Insomnia if it mutates early on. The severity will cause more countries to start research too early. Insomnia should only be used once severity makes more countries research a cure.
  • If low level symptoms (besides Insomnia) mutate after cure research begins, do not devolve them. If lethal symptoms mutate, devolve them unless the increased lethality does not pose a problem. If it doesn't slow the infected rates too much, it can only help with killing them.

Additional Tips

  1. Evolve a spore to double the growth of the plague.
  2. Do as you do to bacteria until only some hard-to-reach countries were left uninfected.
  3. Use spores equal to the number of those uninfected countries. Be careful and always devolve the mutated symptoms.
  • Note: "Keep the spores and stay patient until you infected all the word except a few nasty countries, like Greenland. Use the spore to get it. Then wait. Never buy symptoms before the final attack because fungi infects slowly, and you'll get spotted. When you infected everyone, use Total Organ Failure to end." - Armorchompy