Spore Eruption

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Spore Eruption is an unique ability exclusive to the Fungus Plague. It releases infectious spores into five new countries, and increases Infectivity slightly. This Ability has 2 copies with identical effects.


  • To keep costs low, the Patho-Stasis gene is highly recommended, as each stage will cost 2 DNA Points.
  • This Ability should be evolved when around 10 Countries are left uninfected, as this helps the player infect many island countries that may be difficult to get to.


  • Without Patho-Stasis, evolving the second copy of this Ability costs 15 DNA Points, and would cost 107 in total, counting the Abilities required to evolve it.
    • Using Patho-Stasis will make this 91 DNA Points cheaper, costing 16 in total.


  1. Each copy of this Ability requires a copy of the sixth stage of Spore Burst. There's one copy of Spore Burst 6 per copy of this Ability.