South Africa

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South Africa is a country with a hot and arid climate, and is bordered by Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, and East Africa. It is one of two countries in Africa to have both Airports and Seaports, the other being Egypt. At 8, South Africa has more research facilities than any other country in Africa.

Country Information

IG Factbook: "Dutch traders landed in modern day South Africa in 1652. The discovery of diamonds and gold spurred wealth and immigration and intensified the subjugation of the native inhabitants. The Union of South Africa became a republic in 1961 after a whites-only referendum. In 1948, the National, Party was voted into power and instituted a policy of apartheid - the separate development of the races - which favoured the white minority at the expense of the black majority. The African National Congress (ANC) led the opposition to apartheid and many top ANC leaders, such as Nelson Mandela spent decades in South Africa's prisons. Internal protests and insurgency, as well as boycotts by some Western nations and institutions, led to the regime's eventual transition to majority rule. South Africa since then has struggled to address apartheid-era imbalances in decent housing, education, and health care."


Airport Links

South Africa wil send and receive airplanes from Japan, UK, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and USA

Seaport Links

South Africa will send and receive ships from Brazil, Egypt, Argentina, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, India, and Madagascar.

Climate Variations

No Changes
AridClimateIcon.png Arid and Moderate Climate


  • The Twinfinite website recommends starting in South Africa to beat the Bacteria Disease Type in Brutal because this country has many sea and air routes to important nations in addition to routes to island nations, in this case Madagascar, which is sometimes difficult to infect, in addition to Australia.[1]
    • Starting in South Africa will make it easier to infect countries in the southern hemisphere, but it will be more difficult for the plague to spread to areas in the northern hemisphere. In addition to the fact that South Africa does not have as many routes as other countries, although it is relatively one of the key countries when it comes to infecting African countries that do not have air and sea routes and are generally somewhat isolated such as Angola, Zimbabwe and Botswana.


  • In the Fake News scenario, there is an achievement called District 9 in which the player has to start the game in South Africa. The reason for this is because the achievement is based on a movie that was partially filmed in this country.
  • South Africa is the only starting country from Africa in Plague Inc.: The Board Game.[2]


City Cams

CountryState south africa 1 2-sharedassets0.assets-585.png

Business as Usual

CountryState south africa 3-sharedassets0.assets-530.png

General Disruption

CountryState south africa 4 5-sharedassets0.assets-439.png

Widespread Disorder

CountryState south africa 6 7-sharedassets0.assets-434.png

No Longer Exists

Board Game

Country Card (South Africa).png
South Africa Country Card featuring the cities of Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Pretoria and Soweto
  • Territory: 1,213,090 (km2)
  • Population: 52,98 (m)
  • Resources: $350,09 (bn)
Source: This image was taken from the digitisation of the Official Cards included in the Plague Inc.: The Board Game Add-On for TableTop Simulator
(Original Add-On Link on Steam, respective credits for the digitization of Board Game Cards scanned by them)


  1. Banat, Omar (2020-03-10). "Plague Inc: How to Beat Bacteria on Brutal". Twinfinite Retrieved on April 28, 2022.
  2. @Coolsy101 (2018-12-01). "Comprehensive List of All Cards". BoardGameGeek (BGG) Retrieved on July 5, 2022.