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Libya is an urban country. It has a hot, arid climate, and is bordered by Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, West Africa, and Central Africa.

Country Information

IG Factbook: "The Italians supplanted the Ottoman Turks in the area around Tripoli in 1911 and did not relinquish their hold until 1943. Following a 1969 military coup, Col. Muammar al-Qadafi assumed leadership and began to espouse a combination of socialism and Islam. During the 1970s Qadafi used oil revenues to promote his ideology outside Libya, supporting subversive and terrorist activities. UN sanctions in 1992 isolated Qadafi politically and economically. Sanctions were lifted in 2003 following Libyan acceptance of responsibility for the bombings and agreement to claimant compensation. Unrest that began in several Middle Eastern and North African countries in late 2010 erupted in Libyan cities in early 2011. Qadafi's brutal crackdown on protesters spawned a civil war that triggered UN authorization of air and naval intervention by the international community. The Qadafi regime was toppled in mid-2011 and replaced by a transitional government."


City Cams

CountryState libya 1 2-sharedassets0.assets-383.png

Business as Usual

CountryState libya 3-sharedassets0.assets-612.png

General Disruption

CountryState libya 4 5-sharedassets0.assets-670.png

Widespread Disorder

CountryState libya 6 7-sharedassets0.assets-458.png

No Longer Exists

Board Game

Country Card (Libya).jpg
Libya Country Card featuring the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi
  • Territory: 1,759,540 (km2)
  • Population: 6,25 (m)
  • Resources: $41,14 (bn)
Source: This image was taken from the digitisation of the Official Cards included in the Plague Inc.: The Board Game Add-On for TableTop Simulator
(Original Add-On Link on Steam, respective credits for the digitization of Board Game Cards scanned by them)


  • In VS Mode (Multiplayer), Libya is quite useful because it has enough land borders to score points, in addition to having a decent Starting DNA. On the negative side, when starting in Libya, the disease will present problems to adapt in rural areas, because the country is considered as an urban one, in addition to the fact that it is very easy for the opponent to find it due to its borders, especially with Egypt.


  • The carrier that appears on the City Cam during No Longer Exists is an Iraqi BTR-50 Personnel Carrier used in the Iran-Iraq war. The original photo was taken in March 2004.[1]
  • In the Global Warming scenario, Libya goes from being a middle-income country to a poor country, due to the scenario's meteorological events affecting countries with hot climates.
  • After the release of Batch V0.9.0.3 to balance the Multiplayer Mode, Libya along with Egypt were the only countries in North Africa where the Bonus DNA was modified when starting in these nations.[2]


  1. Arabic: متحف السرايا الحمراء Transliteration: Muthaf alsaraya alhamra'


  1. Hamed (2004-03-31). "Iraqi BTR-50 Personnel Carrier". Flickr Archived from the original on June 23, 2022. Retrieved on May 23, 2022. (Wikimedia Commons)
  2. Ndemic James (2015-12-10). "Minor update and Multiplayer Balance Patch v0.9.0.3". Steam Discussions Retrieved on May 24, 2023.