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Sudan is a poor, rural country. It has a hot, arid climate, and is bordered by Egypt, Central Africa, East Africa, and Libya.

Country Information

IG Factbook : "Military regimes favouring Islamic-oriented governments have dominated Sudan's national politics since independence. It has also been embroiled in two prolonged civil wars. The first civil war ended in 1972 but broke out again in 1983. The second war and famine-related effects resulted in more than four million people displaced and, according to rebel estimates, more than two million deaths. The final peace agreement, signed in January 2005, granted the southern rebels autonomy for six years followed by a referendum on independence. The referendum was held in January 2011 and indicated overwhelming support for independence. South Sudan became independent on 9 July 2011. Since southern independence Sudan has been combating rebels from the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N). A separate conflict, which broke out in the western region of Darfur in 2003, has been implicated as a possible climate change related conflict."


  • The reason South Sudan is not in this game, and does not even have a visible border on the map, is because the game was developed before its independence in 2011.
  • Sudan and New Guinea are the only countries whose city cams during their "Widespread Disorder" and "Close to anarchy" statuses are different. Instead of people rioting, there are medic stations and people trying to cure the disease.


City Cams

CountryState sudan 1 2-sharedassets0.assets-237.png

Business as Usual

CountryState sudan 3-sharedassets0.assets-350.png

General Disruption

CountryState sudan 4 5-sharedassets0.assets-511.png

Widespread Disorder

CountryState sudan 6 7-sharedassets0.assets-592.png

No Longer Exists

Board Game

Country Card (Sudan).png
Sudan Country Card featuring the cities of Khartoum, Omdurman, Port Sudan and Nyala
  • Territory: 2,376,000 (km2)
  • Population: 39,35 (m)
  • Resources: $73,81 (bn)
Source: This image was taken from the digitisation of the Official Cards included in the Plague Inc.: The Board Game Add-On for TableTop Simulator
(Original Add-On Link on Steam, respective credits for the digitization of Board Game Cards scanned by them)