Swine Flu

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Swine.png "Patient Zero is infected with a new mutated strain of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus. It is a reassortment of the 2009 strain with limited lethality - existing anti-virals are moderately effective against it. However, analysis of its genetic makeup has identified potential sequence similarities to the 1918 'Spanish Flu' strain that killed 5% of the world's population. Will history repeat itself?"
— Plague Inc., Swine Flu introduction paragraph

The Swine Flu is an official scenario taking control of a new strain of the H1N1 virus, characterized by its ability to infect animals that are usually consumed by the human population such as pigs, in addition to the formation of serious respiratory problems.

This scenario was released in Mutation 1.7 for mobile devices at the end of 2013.[1]

Scenario Attributes

As a nod to its real-life counterpart, the Swine Flu Scenario automatically starts with the Virus selected as the pathogen chosen, with H1N1 Flu as its default name.

It starts with the Coughing, Pneumonia, Sneezing, Fever, Headache, Pharyngitis Symptoms already evolved, along with the Swine 1 and Droplets 1 Transmissions. All pre-evolved traits can be devolved.


  • Air Transmission Icon.png
    Air 1 - 2: Increases Pathogen's Infectivity, specially in Arid Climates and through Airplanes.
  • Bird Icon.png
    Bird 1 - 2: Birds become sources of contagion, increasing Infectivity, Land Transmission and Mutation.
  • Blood Transmission Icon.png
    Blood 1 - 2: Pathogen spreads through blood and other body fluids, increasing Pathogen's Infectivity, specially in Poor Countries, and Mutation.
  • Livestock Icon.png
    Livestock 1 - 2: Livestock animals become sources of contagion, increasing Infectivity, specially in Rural Countries, and Mutation.
  • Extreme Zoonosis Icon.png
    Extreme Zoonosis: Infection crosses multiple species barriers. Increase infectivity, especially in rural and urban areas, mutation chance and cross-country transmission
  • Extreme Bioaerosol Icon.png
    Extreme Bioaerosol: Pathogen bypasses air/water filters due to adaptive cellular shell. Increase infectivity, especially in humid & arid climates and plane/ship transmission.
  • Water Transmission Icon.png
    Water 1 - 2: Increases Pathogen's Infectivity, specially in Humid Climates and through Boats.
  • Swine Icon.png
    Swine 1 - 2: Pigs become sources of contagion, increasing Infectivity, specially in Rural Countries, and Mutation.
  • Saliva Icon.png
    Droplets 1 - 2: Pathogen survives in expelled liquid particles from infected humans, increasing Infectivity, transmission through Airplanes, and Mutation.


  • Nausea Icon.png
    Nausea: Irritated stomach lining leads to discomfort. Slight chance of infection when kissing
  • Insomnia Icon.png
    Insomnia: Inability to sleep makes people irritable and less productive
  • Coughing Icon.png
    Coughing: Chance of infection by spreading pathogen into surroundings, especially in high density, urban areas
  • RashV2.png
    Rash: The skin becomes blistered and painful, slightly increasing infectivity
  • Vomiting Icon.png
    Vomiting: The expulsion of infected material through projectile vomiting increases the risk of infection
  • Paranoia Icon.png
    Paranoia: Irrational delusions and mental symptoms. Victims distrust of others makes them unlikely to seek treatment or cooperate with others
  • Pneumonia Icon.png
    Pneumonia: Serious fluid build and discharge from the lungs. People in cold climates especially vulnerable
  • Hyper Sensitivity Icon.png
    Hyper sensitivity: Increases likelihood of allergic reactions which can distract the immune system. Rich regions particularly vulnerable
  • Sneezing Icon.png
    Sneezing: Fluid discharge through sneezing greatly increases infection rates
  • Diarrhoea Icon.png
    Diarrhoea: Pathogen active in digestive tract, causing infection through faeces and potentially lethal dehydration. Poor countries v. vulnerable
  • Pulmonary Oedema Icon.png
    Pulmonary Oedema: Potentially fatal heart abnormality causes breakdown of respiratory system, releasing pathogen into the air
  • Inflammation Icon.png
    Inflammation: Inflammation obstructs bodily processes. Swelling can obstruct breathing and be fatal
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis Icon.png
    Pulmonary Fibrosis: Scarring of the lungs causes shortness of breath and extreme coughing. Can be fatal when combined with intense exercise.
  • Immune Suppression Icon.png
    Immune Suppression: Pathogens attach to lymphocytes, suppressing immune system and allowing significantly greater freedom of mutation. Can be lethal
  • Systemic Infection Icon.png
    Systemic Infection: Pathogen affects multiple organs and tissue types, causing body-wide infections that spread fast and can be fatal
  • Fever Icon (Generic).png
    Fever: Increase in temperature, contagiousness and severe dehydration, which can be fatal
  • Dysentery Icon.png
    Dysentery: A complete breakdown in the digestive system causes infected sewage, dehydration, starvation and death
  • Total Organ Failure Icon.png
    Total Organ Failure: Catastrophic cell death of multiple tissue types causes body-wide organ failure and rapid death
  • Coma Icon.png
    Coma: Neuropathic effects in the brain stem cause loss of consciousness and sometimes death. Significantly harder to cure
  • Hemorrhagic Shock Icon.png
    Haemorrhagic Shock: Severe loss of blood volume causes oxygen deprivation, loss of consciousness and death
  • Seizures Icon.png
    Headache: Strong headache behind the eyes causes discomfort and reduces ability to work
  • PharyngitisIcon.png
    Pharyngitis: Sore throat causes discomfort and increases likelihood that coughing will spread disease
  • FatigueIcon.png
    Fatigue: Extreme tiredness makes people weaker and less productive
  • Pulmonary Embolism Icon.png
    Pulmonary Embolism: Blockage in the pulmonary artery prevents blood from reaching the lungs. Severe and potentially fatal
  • Myocarditis (Swine Flu).png
    Myocarditis: Infection inflames and damages heart muscles. Severe and potentially fatal
  • Epistaxis Icon (Generic).png
    Epistaxis: Haemorrhage of the nasal mucous membranes causes severe nosebleeds, increasing likelihood of infection.
  • HaemoptysisBlackDeathIcon.png
    Haemoptysis: Coughing up blood from inflamed bronchi increases infectivity and is fatal in extreme cases
  • PulmonaryHaemorrhageIcon.png
    Pulmonary Haemorrhage: Severe bleeding throughout the lungs increases infectivity and can result in asphyxiation
  • CytokineStorm.png
    Cytokine Storm: Positive feedback loop between cytokines and immune cells causes fatal immune reaction. Can offer insights into cure development


  • Heat Resistance Icon.png
    Heat Resistance 1 - 2: Pathogen withstands higher temperatures easily, increasing Infectivity in Hot Countries.
  • Cold Resistance Icon.png
    Cold Resistance 1 - 2: Pathogen withstands lower temperatures easily, increasing Infectivity in Cold Countries.
  • EnvironmentalHardeningIcon.png
    Environmental Hardening: Pathogen develops hardened coating - becoming highly weather resistant and extremely comfortable in both hot and cold climates
  • Drug Resistance Icon.png
    Drug Resistance 1 - 2: Pathogen resistant to all Antivirals, increasing Infectivity in Rich Countries.
  • Ability DNA Icon.png
    Genetic ReShuffle 1 - 3: Pathogen reassembles its DNA and creates new strains, increasing the work required for a cure.
  • GeneticIcon.png
    Genetic Hardening 1 - 2: Pathogen harder to analyze in laboratories, increasing the work required for a cure.
  • Ability Biohazard Icon.png
    Viral Instability 1 - 3: By making the Pathogen's DNA more unstable, it increases Mutation chance with each stage and very slightly increases Cure requirement.
  • HistoricReassortment.png
    Historic Reassortment: Gives ability to access the genetic sequence expressed in the 1918 flu. Highly lethal strain
  • Bacterial Pneumonia Icon.png
    Bacterial Pneumonia: Pathogen damages pulmonary lining, allowing lethal secondary bacterial infections. Antibiotics will reduce impact


Complete Swine Flu.jpg Achievement Name: Complete Swine Flu
Achievement Description: Score 3 biohazards in the Swine Flu scenario
Value: Difficulty: Any


  • As hinted in the description, Swine Flu is a reference to the H1N1 and its subsidiaries, responsible for multiple disease outbreaks such as the 1918 Spanish Flu and 2009 Swine Flu outbreak, though "Swine Flu" is an alias due to a lack of scientific evidence suggesting close relevancy with pigs.


  1. "Upcoming Plague, Inc. update lets you take on the Black Plague and Swine Flu" (2013-10-18). Pocket Gamer Retrieved on December 19, 2023.