Cytokine Storm

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Cytokine Storm is a symptom of the Swine Flu scenario and is also in Multiplayer. It causes cytokines and immune cells to have a positive feedback loop, which in turn causes a fatal immune reaction. It can offer insights in cure research.

In the Swine Flu scenario, this symptom is characterized by helping to delay the progress of research to cure the disease, but at the same time it partially reduces the chances of the plague to mutate other symptoms,[Note 1] additionally Pulmonar Haemorrhage is needed to unlock this symptom, by obtaining it Cytokine Storm, the player can evolve the following symptom of Total Organ Failure.

This symptom is reused in Multiplayer Mode but unlike its counterpart in Swine Flu, it is less severe and lethal in addition to the fact that its action upon cure decrease is not the same as in the aforementioned scenario.



  1. According to the game files, this symptom causes the mutation rate to be reduced by -0.1, for which the variable
    is modified.[1]


  1. Swine Flu Stats - Game Files (See virus #56731.txt)