Oink oink

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Oink oink.jpg Achievement Name: Oink oink
Achievement Description: Discover the Swineflu Combo
Value: 15 pts Difficulty: Normal

Oink oink is an achievement for the Swine Flu symptom combo, which it is based on the origins and symptoms of the real life swine Flu.


  • It is necessary to evolve the Livestock transmissions up to the 2nd stage of the trait, as well as the symptoms Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Coughing and Pneumonia[Note 1] Additionally this combo will not activate if the player evolves Skin Lesions or Tumour symptoms.[Note 2]
  • After these have been evolved and cure research has begun, you will earn this achievement, wait until the pop-up "Disease name has similar symptoms to swine flu. Doctors researching the cure are wasting time looking into cures for swine flu. Cure will take longer"


Info Icon - Graph.png
This section includes information about Plague Inc. internal code, please check the Scenario Creator to verify the information, in addition to the Game Files section in the Wiki.
  1. According to the game files, the traits needed to activate this combo are located in the
    list, which consist of 4 symptoms and 1 transmission.[1]
  2. This combo is particular within its internal in-game code, in which it does not appear if the player evolves two symptoms, those traits are found in the list of


  1. 1.0 1.1 General Events Information - Game Files (See standard_normal.txt)