Diamond Skin

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Diamond Skin.jpg Achievement Name: Diamond Skin
Achievement Description: Discover the Diamond Skin Combo
Value: n/a Difficulty: Any

Diamond Skin is an achievement exclusive to the Shadow Plague DLC. This achievement can be unlocked by evolving Anaemia, Pallor, Photophobia, and Dermal Calcification.


  • Symptom Branch
    • Nocturnal > Anaemia
    • Anaemia > Pallor
    • Nocturnal > Steroidal Boost > Pheromone Secretion > Photophobia
    • Photophobia > Hyperdontia > Jugular Bite > Shadow Slaves > Dermal Calcification
Combo's Informative Pop-up


  • This is a reference to the appearance of vampires in the Twilight Saga, particularly Edward Cullen when he walked into the sunlight.