Uphill Ice Skating

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Uphill Ice Skating.jpg Achievement Name: Uphill Ice Skating
Achievement Description: Discover the Uphill Ice Skating Combo
Value: n/a Difficulty: Any

Uphill Ice Skating is an achievement exclusive to the Shadow Plague, where the player can increase the vampire's combat in cold weather areas by combining abilities and transmissions.


For this combo to be achieved it is necessary to combine two special Shadow Plague abilities and a transmission.

  • Transmissions Tab:
    • Air 1
  • Abilities Tab:
    • Lair > Cold Tolerance
    • Adrenal Surge > Dark Infiltration > Shadow Blades
Combo's Informative Pop-up


Info Icon - Graph.png
This section includes information about Plague Inc. internal code, please check the Scenario Creator to verify the information, in addition to the Game Files section in the Wiki.

Although the popup indicates that the vampire will have a much greater advantage in countries with colder climates. In the internal code of the game, this combo does not trigger additional effects.[1]


  • This achievement refers to the first movie of the Blade trilogy's character: Blade's serif.[2]


  1. Shadow Plague Events Data - Game Files (See standard_vampire.txt) (Note: The combo is called intermanete as uphill_ice_skating_combo and the area that specifically determines the effects of the combos is located in <outcome>.)
  2. Campbell, Scott (2022-06-22). "Wesley Snipes explains how he concluded some motherf*ckers would only ice skate uphill". WGTC Retrieved on June 6, 2024.