Use your head

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Use your head.jpg Achievement Name: Use your head
Achievement Description: Discover the Cranial Dispersion combo
Value: Difficulty: Any

Use your head is an achievement that can only be won with the Necroa Virus, which causes zombie brain matter to be propelled forcefully from open head wounds. Infectivity increases when this combo is in play.


Evolve Cranial Elephantitis and Air 3 and wait for a popup.

Combo's Informative Pop-up


In the event that this combo is executed, it will increase the severity of the disease globally by about 2 points.[1]


  1. Necroa Virus Event Data - Game Files (See standard_necroa.txt) (Note: The combo is internally named as "cranial_dispersion_combo" and the variable it affects is "globalSeverityMax")