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Boomer.jpg Achievement Name: Boomer
Achievement Description: Discover the Boomer combo
Value: Difficulty: Any

Boomer is a symptom combo exclusive to the Necroa Virus, which allows zombies to explode when excited. Severity increases when this combo is in play. The symptom Autothysis and the ability Liquefactive Necrosis are required. The achievement Boomer is earned for forming the combo.


  • Symptoms:
    • Cytopathic Reanimation > Anaerobic Resuscitation > Enhanced Motor Control > Peptide Surge > Acidic Reflux > Naja Mortis > Autothysis
  • Abilities:
    • Regenerative Activation > Ambush Predation > Liquefactive Necrosis
Combo's Informative Pop-up


In the event that this combo is executed, it will increase the severity of the disease globally by about 2 points.[1]


  • This combo is based off an eponymous infected enemy in Valve's Left 4 Dead franchise, though with significantly increased offense. Valve's Boomers are considerably less destructive, and rely on attracting other infected, rather than pure demolition power.


  1. Necroa Virus Event Data - Game Files (See standard_necroa.txt) (Note: The combo is internally named as "boomer_combo" and the variable it affects is "globalSeverityMax")