Vampire Bat

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Is it a bird.jpg Achievement Name: Is it a bird?
Achievement Description: Discover the Vampire Bat combo
Value: Difficulty: Any

Vampire Bat is a symptom combo exclusive to the Necroa Virus, which allows partially zombified bats to become addicted to human blood. This increases the frequency of the attacks, as well as alerting zombies to the presence of humans. Severity increases when this combo is in play. Vampiric Hunger and the transmissions Bat 1 and 2 are required. The achievement Is it a bird? is earned for forming the combo.


Combo's Informative Pop-up


Info Icon - Graph.png
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By executing this combo, it will increase the overall severity by 2 points in addition to the other combos in Necroa Virus, it can increase the overall lethality which also increases the overall lethality by 1 point after the constant attacks of infected bats.[1]


  • The name of this combo achievement refers to "'Is it a bird?", a reference to Superman-related quotes, specifically the phrase of "Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!" popularized in the 50s.[2]


  1. Necroa Virus Events - Game Files (See standard_zombie.txt) (Note: The combo is called "vampire_bat_combo" and the variables that change when executed are "globalSeverityMax" and "globalLethalityMax")
  2. "Adventures of Superman Quotes". Shmoop Retrieved on March 9, 2024.