Plague Dogs

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Plague Dogs.jpg Achievement Name: Plague Dogs
Achievement Description: Discover the Plague Dogs Combo
Value: n/a Difficulty: Any

Plague Dogs is an achievement exclusive to the Shadow Plague. It causes pustule-covered dogs to infect people who pet them due to the pustules bursting.


Evolve the symptoms of Dark Pustules and Weeping Sores; in addition to the transmission of Dog 2.

Combo's Informative Pop-up


Info Icon - Graph.png
This section includes information about Plague Inc. internal code, please check the Scenario Creator to verify the information, in addition to the Game Files section in the Wiki.

When this combo is activated it will increase the overall infectivity globally, making it much easier for the pathogen to spread to the rest of the healthy population[1]


  1. Shadow Plague Events - Game Files (See standard_vampire.txt) (Note: The combo is called "plague_dogs_combo" and the variable that changes when executed is "globalInfectiousnessMax")