Strategy Guides/Virus/Catalogue 2

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The following are strategies for the Virus plague type. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips and Q&A here. If you aren't quick enough to devolve a mutation before it's spotted, then pause the game time, then devolve the mutation.
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.

Strategy 4

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Among all the plagues in Plague Inc., I find virus the easiest to destroy the world. I've tested it a lot on Casual and Normal, but I don't think this strategy will work on Brutal. As my parents don't allow me to do online transactions, I can't go Premium and have genes. So here we go.

General Information


  • Get your trusty (and deadly) weapon named the Virus and send him to Saudi Arabia and wait.
  • If any mutations happen don't worry and don't devolve them as they WILL remove your precious DNA. If the mutations are tier 2, then you should devolve them so you don't get caught.
  • Then wait until your deadly bioweapon spreads to the world. Don't worry if the countries blasted governments say that the virus has been spotted or they are doing research on the cure. Then save some probably 40 to 50 DNA.
  • Then just relax and cackle like a true bio-master as the world crumbles like mouldy bread and screams in agony, and you win!
  • Don't forget to thank your best buddy Cutterfish for this cool strategy. Alright adios amigos.

Strategy 5

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The key of this strategy is to infect the world as fast as possible. Then evolve all Viral Instability and every cheap symptom, so mutations will always aim at the expensive ones and save you lots of DNA points. This strategy has 80% winrate during my 10 tests. All losses result from island countries shutting their ports.

General Information

  • Author: Bihapove
  • Difficulty: Mega Brutal

Genetic Code

  • ATP Boost
  • Genetic Mimic / Darwinist
  • Aquacyte
  • Sympto-Statis (Important)
  • Extremophile


  1. Start in China
  2. Evolve these symptoms as soon as possible: NauseaVomitingCoughingRashSweatingSneezingCystsAbscessesHyper sensitivity, and Skin Lesions. These symptoms buff your infectivity by a lot while providing enough severity to increase your daily DNA gain.
  3. Devolve these symptoms if they mutate, but keep any other mutated symptoms:
    1. InsanityDysenteryTotal Organ FailureComaNecrosisHemorrhagic Shock
    2. Internal Haemorrhaging
    3. If Systemic Infection and Immune Suppression both mutated, devolve one of them.
  4. The disease should have reached a few other countries. Now evolve Cold Resistance 1Heat Resistance 1 and Drug Resistance 1.
  5. Evolve Water 1Water 2Air 1 and Bird 1Air 2 is optional.
  6. Evolve Cold Resistance 2Drug Resistance 2 and Heat Resistance 2. You may notice that these have become pretty expensive. This is caused by genetic drift.
  7. If GreenlandIcelandNew ZealandCaribbean or Madagascar are healthy, evolve Environmental Hardening.
  8. Wait until all islands are infected. (If an island shuts down everything, don't hesitate to restart.)
  9. Once all islands are infected, evolve Viral Instability 1, 2 and 3.
  10. From now on, keep looking for the cheapest symptom in the Symptoms page and purchase it. This will increase the chance of obtaining bigger symptoms through mutating. Keep doing this until there are fewer than 6 unevolved symptoms or you already have at least 2 of the Deadly Six.
  11. Sit back and watch the world die. Do not evolve Genetic ReShuffles until population reaches 1 million or cure reaches 98%.
  12. If everything went well, you will now face a Five Biohazard Mega Brutal result page.

Strategy 6

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This strategy's adapted from my Mega Brutal 5 Biohazard Bacteria strategy. Personal best is 327 days and 23%.

Basic information

  • Difficulty: Mega Brutal
  • The key is to infect island countries ASAP while the Virus mutates in a controlled manner:
    • Shorten our time-to-flight out of Saudi Arabia.
    • Prioritise Russia as our main route to Greenland.
    • Prevention is better than cure. You can only mutate symptoms which have been unlocked i.e., visible on the screen. The best way to not mutate symptoms which are too severe/lethal too early is to not unlock them in the first place.

Genetic Code


  1. Start in Saudi Arabia.
  2. Evolve Coughing, Sneezing, Nausea, Vomiting, Cysts, Abscesses, Anaemia, then Haemophilia.
    1. Devolve any mutation which unlocks final-tier symptoms, except Paralysis and Seizures. Also, allow at most one of the "bridge" symptoms (Pulmonary Oedema, Fever, Inflammation, and Tumours) to mutate.
  3. Evolve Air 1, Air 2.
  4. Evolve Drug Resistance 1, Cold Resistance 1, and Cold Resistance 2.
  5. Evolve Pneumonia, Rash, and Sweating (skip Rash if Fever had mutated and unlocked Sweating).
  6. Evolve Water 1.
  7. Set your game to normal speed, then evolve Water 2, Extreme Bioaerosol, and Bird 1. These will likely cause a burst of new country infections, so we don't want to miss out on those precious bubbles. Missing 1's tolerable, 2's a risk, anymore and it's bad for the final score.
  8. Evolve Heat Resistance 1, then Drug Resistance 2. You can resume fast forward after this if you want.
  9. Wait for either of the two conditions to be met, whichever first, before proceeding further:
    1. Both the WHO watchlist and "<disease name> is more infectious than the Common Cold" events occur.
    2. All islands are infected.
  10. Evolve Skin Lesions, Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, Insanity, Hypersensitivity, and Paralysis.
  11. Once all island countries are infected:
    1. Allow any symptom to mutate except Total Organ Failure. You must evolve this manually.
    2. Evolve Necrosis, Coma, Hemorrhagic Shock, then Dysentary.
  12. Evolve Total Organ Failure. By the time you've enough DNA to evolve this, you should be able to infect the last uninfected on time.
  13. Wait for the rapid influx of DNA points to slow, when most of the world is dead and genetic drift is nullified. Evolve as many as you can from Genetic Reshuffle 1, 2, and 3. This should set back the Cure percentage enough to get 5 Biohazards.
  14. If you still have excess DNA leftover, evolve Internal Haemorrhaging, Systemic Infection, and other symptoms to quicken the kill rate and increase Cure Research requirement.
Congrats on getting 5 Biohazards with Mega Brutal Virus!