Genetic Code

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The Genetic Code is a feature present in Standard Mode that allows the player to modify certain attributes of their Plague, such as DNA gain, Mutation rate or Cure research. The Genetic Code is comprised of 25 Genes, distributed evenly across 5 categories, with only one Gene per category being able to take effect. All Special Plagues, except the Neurax Worm, have at least one category of genes exclusive to it, replacing categories from the Standard Plagues' genes.

Genes are unlocked one at a time, when the player wins a game in any difficulty, in random order. When beating Special Plagues that have their exclusive genes, the player instead unlocks one of the genes exclusive to that plague.

On Android, the player still unlocks Genes, but they must buy the Premium Version for $0.99 or watch a video advertisement in order to use those genes.

In Cure Mode, the equivalent to Genetic Code is the Task Force.

Standard Plague Genes

DNA Genes

These genes affect how the player receives DNA in different ways.

Gene Name ATP Boost
Description Get bonus DNA at the beginning (8 extra starting DNA points)
Gene Name Metabolic Jump
Description Get more DNA from popping red, biohazard bubbles
(The points given are random. There is a 6/13 chance that the player will get one more point per bubble. The DNA Points given by the red bubbles depends of the disease's severity.)
Gene Name Cytochrome Surge
Description Get more DNA from popping orange DNA bubbles
(In general, the gene tends to give the player a +1 DNA at the beginning of the game when the disease is basic and has not been found. When the disease is more complex, in particular the severity has increased, the gene gives the player more DNA per orange bubbles. The range that gives more DNA for the gene is random.)[1]
Gene Name Catalytic Switch
Description Get bonus DNA from popping blue, cure bubbles (2-5 DNA points from each blue bubble)
Gene Name Metabolic Hijack
Description Orange and Red bubbles are automatically popped for you (1/6 probability of losing 1 DNA point from each red and orange bubble)

Mutation Genes

These genes affect how the Plague mutates. Genetic Hardening, however, makes the Plague harder cure, instead.

Gene Name Darwinist
Description Increases the chance of your plague mutating (+0.4 mutation)
Gene Name Creationist
Description Decreases the chance of your plague mutating (-0.4 mutation)
Gene Name Genetic Mimic
Description Your Plague is harder to cure (+0.15 cure requirement)
Base Oxidisation Icon.png
Gene Name Base Oxidisation
Description Your plague can mutate Transmissions. Easier to cure (-0.1 mutation, -0.05 cure requirement)
Base Hydrolysis Icon.png
Gene Name Base Hydrolysis
Description Your plague can mutate Abilities. Easier to cure (-0.1 mutation, -0.05 cure requirement)

Travel Genes

These genes give the Plague an Infectivity boost in certain cases.

Gene Name Teracyte
Description Increases chance of your plague spreading by land (+7 infectivity)
Gene Name Aerocyte
Description Increases chance of your plague spreading by air (+7 infectivity)
Gene Name Aquacyte
Description Increases chance of your plague spreading by sea (+7 infectivity)
Gene Name Suppression
Description Plague more likely to cross a closed land border (3 times infectivity between closed land borders)
Gene Name Native Biome
Description Increases infectivity in your starting country

Environment Genes

These genes boost the Plague's Infectivity in specific environments.

Gene Name Xerophile
Description Give your plague a bonus in arid climates (+0.5 arid effectiveness)
Gene Name Hydrophile
Description Give your plague a bonus in humid climates (+0.5 humid effectiveness)
Gene Name Rurophile
Description Give your plague a bonus in rural environments (+0.5 rural effectiveness)
Gene Name Urbophile
Description Give your plague a bonus in urban environments (+0.5 urban effectiveness)
Gene Name Extremophile
Description Give your plague a minor bonus in all environments (+0.2 arid, humid, rural & urban effectiveness)

Evolution Genes

These genes involve the Plague's evolution in certain ways. Note that these types of genes don't interfere with the Genetic Drift in Mega-Brutaldifficulty, which determines how much the amount of infected population should scale, although they are primarily designed to cut certain DNA point costs, especially early in the game.

Gene Name Ionised Helix
Description Bonus DNA when devolving (-2 devolution cost)
Gene Name Translesion +
Description Costs to devolve don't increase
Gene Name Sympto-Stasis
Description Symptom costs don't increase but easier to cure(-0.1 arid, humid, rural & urban effectiveness, -0.1 cure requirement)
Gene Name Trans-Stasis
Description Transmission costs don't increase but easier to cure (-0.1 arid, humid, rural & urban effectiveness, -0.125 cure requirement)
Gene Name Patho-Stasis
Description Ability costs don't increase but easier to cure (-0.1 arid, humid, rural & urban effectiveness, -0.11 cure requirement)

Special Plague Genes

Necroa Virus Genes

Exclusive to Necroa Virus, replacing Evolution Genes

These genes adapt the Necroa Virus in different ways.

Gene Name Cytopathic Boost
Description Infected corpses are more likely to reanimate as a zombie
Gene Name Autolytic Reduction
Description Slightly decreases the speed at which zombies decay
Gene Name ThermoNecro
Description Reduces the zombie rate of decay in hot countries
Gene Name Dopamine Inhibitor
Description Increases the chance of a zombie victim becoming a zombie
Gene Name Spliced Activation
Description Active Abilities cost less DNA to use (from 5 to 3)

Artificial Genes

Exclusive to Simian Flu, replacing Evolution Genes in Plague Inc. and Mutation Genes in Plague Inc: Evolved

These genes influence genetic structure in a variety of ways.

Gene Name Latent Catalyst
Description Get DNA when a Gen-Sys lab is destroyed
Gene Name Cortisol Sensitivity
Description Reduces research from Gen-Sys experiments on apes
Gene Name ATP Overdose
Description Bonus DNA at start but costs significantly more to devolve (+15 starting DNA points, +20 devolution cost)
Gene Name Ion Deficit
Description Costs more to devolve but harder to cure (+0.15 Cure requirement, +4 devolution cost)
Gene Name Ion Surge
Description Costs less to devolve but easier to cure (-0.15 Cure requirement, -4 devolution cost)

Ape Genes

Exclusive to Simian Flu, replacing Mutation Genes in Plague Inc. and Evolution Genes in Plague Inc: Evolved

These genes involve the behavior and control of Intelligent Apes.

Gene Name Adrenal Surge
Description Increases ape strength and speed but lethal over time
Gene Name Leadership
Description Active Abilities cost less DNA to use (-2 DNA cost)
Gene Name Viral Affinity
Description Increases ape to ape transmission
Gene Name Together Strong
Description Increases DNA from colonies (+1 DNA)
Gene Name Call of the Wild
Description Apes less likely to be found by humans

Blood Genes

Exclusive to Shadow Plague, replacing Mutation Genes in Plague Inc. and DNA Genes in Plague Inc: Evolved

These genes change how the Vampire fights.

Gene Name Healthy Eater
Description Increases vampire maximum health
Gene Name Scavenger
Description Vampire gets more DNA from destroying labs and Templar Bases
Gene Name Brawler
Description Vampire Blood Rage ability doesn't cost DNA
Gene Name Berserker
Description Vampire Blood Rage ability kills more people
Gene Name Harvester
Description Vampire gets more DNA when consuming people using Blood Rage

Flight Genes

Exclusive to Shadow Plague, replacing Evolution Genes in Plague Inc. and Mutation Genes in Plague Inc: Evolved

These genes affect the Vampire's Flight ability.

Gene Name Bat Bolt
Description Vampire Flight range increases
Gene Name Budget Bat
Description Vampire Flight ability doesn't cost DNA
Gene Name Fair Weather Bat
Description Vampire flies faster when not injured
Gene Name Aerophobic Bat
Description Vampire flies faster but damages health
Gene Name Socially Awkward Bat
Description Vampire starts Blood Rage automatically when entering a new country

Shadow Genes

Exclusive to Shadow Plague, replacing DNA Genes in Plague Inc. and Evolution Genes in Plague Inc: Evolved

These genes give the Vampire a passive specialty.

Gene Name Witch Doctor
Description Vampire heals faster when in it's lair
Gene Name Unholy Engineer
Description Harder for drones to target lairs
Gene Name Shadow Spawn
Description Vampire less likely to be spotted in countries with lairs
Gene Name Frugal Researcher
Description Lair DNA bonus triggers with fewer infected people
Gene Name Mad Scientist
Description All bubbles are automatically popped for you

Unlocking via gameplay

The player can unlock genes by playing the game in any difficulty.

  • Beating any plague type unlocks a random gene.
    • Beating a Necroa Virus game unlocks a random Necroa gene.
    • Beating a Simian Flu game unlocks a random Simian / Artificial gene.
    • Beating a Shadow Plague game unlocks a random Shadow / Flight / Blood Rage gene.

Multiplayer Genes

The Multiplayer Mode adds unique genes that allow players to give certain advantages in a specific type of environment while making the plague less effective in others. These genes also include advantages of different mechanics such as making the player's disease kill people infected with other diseases faster, or making DNA bubbles that appear in the plague's country of origin score more points until the opponent finds the player's country of origin.


  • In some versions of Plague Inc: Evolved, the player can load a saved game, win, and still unlock new Genes. This can be repeated infinite times. [2]
    • This is usually exploited by playing and saving a game that's very close to finishing as a victory, and then reloading the saved game until all Genes are unlocked.


  • There are 7776 possible Genetic Code combinations, if having no genes applied at all is counted.
    • If not having a gene selected for any category isn't counted, then there are 3125 possible Genetic Code combinations.
  • Some Genes have positive and negative effects at the same time, such as the Evolution Genes, with Ionized Helix and Translesion + being exceptions.
  • Neurax Worm is the only special plague that doesn't have its own special genes.
  • Curiously, the order of Special Plagues (left-to-right in Plague Inc., and top-to-bottom in Plague Inc: Evolved), correlates with the increment of Gene Categories exclusive to it, as the Neurax Worm has none, the Necroa Virus has one, the Simian Flu has 2, and, finally, the Shadow Plague has 3.
    • Whether this is intended or not is unknown.


  1. NdemicTech (2017-11-11). "Cytochrome Surge --- BROKEN". Retrieved on July 22, 2022.
  2. The Spiffing Brit (2020). "Plague Inc Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Unlock All Genes Instantly". YouTube