Native Biome

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Main Article: Genetic Code

Native Biome is a gene available for the standard plagues , in addition to the Neurax Worm, Necroa Virus, Simian Flu and Shadow Plague. This gene helps the disease spread rapidly in the country selected by the player at the start of the game.


The gene provides the player with a 1.25x in local infectivity in their origin country, although this initial effectiveness is reduced as the plague infects more and more people in that country.[1]


  • It's recommended in all speedrun games, as an early starting boost of 1.25x is really important. Although it is not recommended to use it in the Mad Cow Disease scenario, because the country's ports and airports would close earlier.


  1. Source: PlagueExternal.dll, in function "localDiseaseUpdate(SPLocalDisease spld, SPCountry spc, SPDisease spd)") (Argument Name might vary under different circumstances) (Note: The variable changed works actually like a bool value). See PlagueExternal.dll in Game Files § DLL Files