Unique Abilities

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Unique Abilities are abilities exclusive to one Plague Type.

List and Summaries


  • Ability Bacteria Icon.png
    Bacterial Resilience 1 - 3: By hardening the bacterial shell of the Pathogen, it increases transmission on all environments, and very slightly increases Cure requirement.


  • Ability Biohazard Icon.png
    Viral Instability 1 - 3: By making the Pathogen's DNA more unstable, it increases Mutation chance with each stage and very slightly increases Cure requirement.


  • SporeBurst.png
    Spore Burst 1 - 6 (2): Releases a small amount of spores that will infect a random uninfected country.
  • SporeEruption.png
    Spore Eruption (2): Releases a huge amount of spores that will infect five uninfected countries.
  • SporeHardening.png
    Spore Hardening: Hardens plague spores to survive in the air indefinitely. Spores continuously released.


  • Symbiosis Icon.png
    Symbiosis 1 - 3: Makes the Pathogen more in tune with its respective host, causing it to be more harder to detect and cure. At its highest level, symptoms such as Skin Lesions and Fever will go unnoticed, and Total Organ Failure will be regarded as a 'minor disease' briefly


  • Neural Atrophy Icon.png
    Neural Atrophy 1 - 3: Makes the Pathogen able to manipulate the brain to make complex work extremely hard. Cure Research is set far back.



These Abilities unlock or deactivate lethal genes,[Note 1] or prevent them from evolving overtime. When all trees are evolved, the most lethal trait in the whole game, Unlock Annihilate gene, becomes available.

Special Plagues

Neurax Worm

  • Trojan Planes Icon.png
    Trojan Planes 1 - 3: Periodically, bubbles will be generated in infected Countries, allowing the player to hijack planes with hosts and fly them to any country. Frequency increases with stage.
  • Trojan Roamers Icon (1st Stage) (Neurax Worm).png
    Trojan Roamers 1 - 2: By increasing Adrenaline in Trojan Hosts, it makes them travel around the target Country, increasing Infectivity and Severity.
  • Trojan Destroyers Icon (1st Stage) (Neurax Worm).png
    Trojan Destroyers 1 - 2: By increasing testosterone levels of Trojan Hosts, causing destructive and aggressive behavior, it increases Infectivity and Severity, and lowers Public Order in the target country.

Necroa Virus

Simian Flu

  • Hardened Reshuffle Icon (Simian Flu).png
    Hardened Reshuffle: Pathogen DNA structure reassembled and highly unstable. Significantly harder to develop a cure and slows future research speed.
  • SimianNeuroGenesis.png
    Simian Neuro-genesis: Modifies simian genes to significantly increase ape intelligence. Irises turn green and no immune response triggered. It's time for apes to rise!
  • OrganisedTravel.png
    Organised Travel: Apes able to plan and co-ordinate travel together - allowing movement of ape groups over long distances
  • HorsebackRiding.png
    Horseback Riding: Apes able to train and ride horses, significantly increasing movement speed over land
  • Logistics.png
    Logistics: Understanding of logistics lets large groups of apes travel rapidly and efficiently over large distances
  • Seafaring.png
    Seafaring: Apes able to construct rafts to allow co-ordinated travel and migration over large bodies of water
  • ApeColonies.png
    Ape Colonies: Intelligent apes can come together to build a colony which increases ape transmission, protects and generate DNA
  • SocialCohesion.png
    Social Cohesion: Enhanced communication between apes allows complex social structures to develop. Colonies increase ape transmission
  • Education.png
    Education: Writing and knowledge sharing enable apes in a colony to develop skills rapidly. Increases DNA generated from colonies
  • ApeMigration.png
    Ape Migration: Groups of apes will automatically migrate to nearby Ape Colonies over time
  • Scouts.png
    Scouts: Ape scouts communicate the location of Ape Colonies to other intelligent apes. Apes will migrate from further away
  • PathFinders.png
    Path Finders: Ape path finders help intelligent apes locate and travel to Ape Colonies. Apes will migrate from further away
  • CognitiveShift.png
    Cognitive Shift: Community life stimulates maturation of prefrontal cortex. Increases DNA generated from colonies
  • CovertExpertise.png
    Covert Expertise: Apes monitor human incursions into their territory and camouflage their homes. Significantly reduce likelihood of detection
  • PrimalAwareness.png
    Primal Awareness: Apes improve their understanding of human behaviours - reducing likelihood of being detected by humans
  • WarPaint.png
    War Paint: Apes use natural dyes to paint themselves. Reduces likelihood of detection and increases combat abilities
  • ApeRampage.png
    Ape Rampage: Apes gain ability to rampage against humans - targeting labs and rescuing captive apes
  • PrimalHunt.png
    Primal Hunt: Apes improve understanding of tactics and are able to operate in larger groups - increasing their combat abilities
  • WeaponCreation.png
    Weapon Creation: Apes learn to use tools to create melee and projectile weapons - significantly increasing their combat abilities

Shadow Plague

  • Therianthropy Icon.png
    Therianthropy: Vampire gains ability to temporarily mutate into a vast, winged bat-like creature. Allows travel to nearby countries
  • Travel Speed Icon.png
    Travel Speed 1 - 2: Vampire gets bigger and stronger in bat form, increasing Flight Speed.
  • BloodThirst.png
    Blood Thirst: Vampire feeds by drinking the blood from its victims whilst they are still alive, eventually sucking them dry
  • NightWraith.png
    Night Wraith: Vampire adapts to the modern world and is able to feed much more stealthily as well as concealing their presence. Makes it harder for humans to detect vampire
  • BloodGiftShadowPlague.png
    Blood Gift: Vampire visits hundreds of humans each night and marks them in blood, infecting them with the Shadow Plague
  • DarkCloud.png
    Dark Cloud: Vampire able to meditate and emit the Shadow Plague in a huge cloud. Tens of thousands of humans infected each day
  • ShadowTrail.png
    Shadow Trail: The vampire continually secretes the Shadow Plague everywhere they go. Hundreds of thousands of people are infected every day
  • CorruptedAir.png
    Corrupted Air: The Shadow Plague erupts out of every pore in the vampire's body - millions of humans are infected each day
  • BloodRage.png
    Blood Rage: Vampire gains ability to enter a Blood Rage - will attack research/military facilities if present, otherwise consuming people for DNA
  • LairIcon.png
    Lair: Vampire able to create a lair for it to rest in and heal. Also generates DNA (Infected population increases DNA)
  • Lair Healing Icon.png
    Lair Healing 1 - 2: Increases the speed at which vampires can heal when in their lair
  • ShadowPortal.png
    Shadow Portal: When travelling, vampire is able to instantly travel to any lair in the world - regardless of distance
  • Anti-bioticTolerance.png
    Anti-biotic Tolerance: Each lair built in a wealthy country will help the Shadow Plague increase its effectiveness in wealthy countries
  • HeatTolerance.png
    Heat Tolerance: Each lair built in a hot country will help the Shadow Plague increase its effectiveness in hot countries
  • ColdTolerance.png
    Cold Tolerance: Each lair built in a cold country will help the Shadow Plague increase its effectiveness in cold countries
  • AdrenalSurgeShadowPlague.png
    Adrenal Surge /
    Dark Infiltration /
    Shadow Blades /
    Demonic Fury: The Vampire and Shadow Plague become more powerful, increasing the strength of Blood Rage.
  • Dark Ritual Icon.png
    Dark Ritual 1 - 2: If vampire is not under attack during Blood Rage, it enters a trance which lets it rapidly heal whilst feeding from people


Mad Cow Disease

  • HumanCrossInfectionIcon.png
    Human Cross-infection: Radical folds of amino acid sequence allow prion to be transmitted between humans. Unlocks new symptoms
  • PlantDisseminationIcon.png
    Plant Dissemination: Adjustments to protein folding give Prion the ability to infect plant life. Unlocks new transmissions

Santa's Little Helper

  • SantasLittleHelperGift.png
    Surprise Delivery (4): Neurax Worm hides away in a parcel and is posted to a random country as a present
  • Giftplane.png
    Gift Plane: Overwhelmed with generosity, hosts charter planes and use them to deliver Neurax Worms as presents to people all over the world
  • PresentParachute.png
    Present Parachute: Gift planes use parachutes to deliver presents to people from a great height. More presents can be delivered at once
  • ChimneyShoot.png
    Chimney Shoot: Gift Planes use ingenious technique to deliver gifts down chimneys. More presents can be delivered at once
  • RedSuitedPilot.png
    Red-Suited Pilot: A famous man with a white beard comes out of retirement to fly gift planes. More presents can be delivered at once
  • EarlyDeparture.png
    Early Departure: Hosts can't wait to deliver the presents and decide to leave ahead of schedule. Gift planes fly more frequently
  • GiftofGiving.png
    Gift of Giving: Hosts on Gift Planes get a surge of happiness when giving presents to others. Increases DNA gained from each trip
  • WildGameIcon.png
    Red-Nosed Guide: A famous reindeer flies ahead of Gift Planes, using his red nose to help them navigate around bad weather. Gift planes fly more frequently

Frozen Virus

  • IceResistance1.png
    Ice Resistance: Pathogen able to survive and spread in crystalline sea water when ice melts. Increases infectivity by sea, and is harder to cure
  • Heat Resistance Icon.png
    Heat Resistance 3: Pathogen avoids cellular breakdown in high temperatures. Increased effectiveness in hot climates
  • Cold Resistance Icon.png
    Cold Resistance 3: 30,000 years of surviving beneath layers of ice have completely solidified virus's lipid covering, ensuring survival at sub-zero temperatures
  • Ability DNA Icon.png
    DNA Repair 1 - 5: Through the regeneration of the Virus' DNA, it adapts to modern environments and unlocks more Abilities and body-altering Symptoms.
  • FullDNARepairIcon.png
    Full DNA Repair: Viral DNA fully reconstructed, giving access to entire genetic code from Neanderthal era. Can now entirely reshape human temperament

Nipah Virus

  • Hendra Traits Icon.png
    Hendra Traits: Pathogen develops traits of the equine Hendra virus, increasing selection of host animals.
  • Ability Biohazard Icon.png
    Nipah Virus: A new strain of the Nipah Virus that spreads harmlessly through bats, with the potential to spread to humans.
  • Cedar Traits Icon.png
    Cedar Traits: Pathogen develops traits of the benign Cedar Virus. Allows virus to survive away from a host, but more likely to be cured.
  • Fever Icon (Generic).png
    Encephalitic Shift: Gain ability to cause severe neurological symptoms.
  • Sneezing Icon.png
    Respiratory Shift: Gain ability to cause severe pathological conditions in the lungs.

Black Death

  • Drug Resistance Icon.png
    Drug Resistance 3: Pathogen highly resistant to all known antibiotics. Harder to develop a cure
  • Hardened Reshuffle Icon.png
    Hardened Reshuffle 1 - 2: Alters the Pathogen's DNA structure, which significantly increases Cure Requirement and work needed.
  • PneumonicPlague.png
    Pneumonic plague: Gain ability to infect respiratory system and develop pneumonic form of plague. Airborne and virulent.
  • BubonicPlague.png
    Bubonic plague: Gain ability to infect lymphatic system and develop bubonic form of plague. Zoonotic and lethal.
  • SepticemicPlague.png
    Septicemic plague: Gain ability to infect the blood stream and develop septicemic form of plague. Rare and very lethal.


  • White Pox Icon.png
    White Pox 1 - 2: Virus regress to the milder strain Variola minor. Reduces Severity and Lethality.
  • Black Pox Icon.png
    Black Pox: Significant decrease in coagulation factors and platelets gives ability to develop highly lethal haemorrhagic smallpox
  • Vaccine Shield (Smallpox).png
    Vaccine Shield / EJ2 / EJ7 / EJ13 Vaccine Shield: Introduces key genetic variations that render normal Smallpox vaccines ineffective.

Swine Flu

  • Ability Biohazard Icon.png
    Viral Instability 1 - 3: By making the Pathogen's DNA more unstable, it increases Mutation chance with each stage.
  • HistoricReassortment.png
    Historic Reassortment: Gives ability to access the genetic sequence expressed in the 1918 flu. Highly lethal strain
  • Bacterial Pneumonia Icon.png
    Bacterial Pneumonia: Pathogen damages pulmonary lining, allowing lethal secondary bacterial infections. Antibiotics will reduce impact


  1. These genes are only mentioned in trait descriptions and names, and are unrelated to the Genetic Code.
  2. Increases Infectivity, Severity, and Lethality catastrophically.