Symptoms (Necroa Virus)

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Symptom Description Base Cost Infectivity Severity Lethality Other Increases
Data Source: Necroa Virus Trait Stats (Game File: zombie.txt)
Insomnia Inability to sleep causes irritation and tiredness. Slows future research speed 5 1 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research and Work
Photophobia Sensitivity and pain when eyes exposed to sunlight. Slows future research speed but slightly reduces infection rates 1 -2 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research
+0.02 Cure Work
Fever Increase in temperature causes general feeling of sickness and reduces concentration. Slows future research speed 5 2 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research and Work
Coma Pressure buildup in the brain stem can cause loss of consciousness. Significantly slows future research speed but reduces infection rates 8 -5 4 0 +0.1 Cure Research
+0.07 Cure Work
Hyper Salivation Inflammation of the submandibular gland increases saliva production and infection rates 7 3 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research
Gastroenteritis Inflammation of the GI tract causes frequent vomiting. Significantly increases infection rates 8 6 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research
Polyphagia Compulsive hunger forces continuous eating. Lack of hygiene increases risk of infection 7 4 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research
Autophagia Compulsion to bite or partially devour own body - typically fingers or skin. Increases infection rates 8 7 2 0 +0.01 Cure Research
Cannibalism Extreme compulsion to bite and eat other humans - significantly increasing infectivity as well as lethality 20 8 6 1.8 +0.05 Cure Research
Psychosis Psychotic episodes lead to occasional bursts of extreme violence which can be lethal. Increases infectivity and slows future research speed 13 6 3 1.5 +0.05 Cure Research
+0.01 Cure Work
Delirium Reduction in cognitive function causes irrationality and paranoia. Can be fatal and significantly slows future research speed 12 1 3 1 +0.1 Cure Research
+0.03 Cure Work
Acute Encephalitis Multiple inflammatory lesions in the brain cause severe neurological damage resulting in death 21 1 1 13
Cytopathic Reanimation Formation of complex neural structures enables re-animation of damaged cells and restoration of low level vitals. Turns dead into zombies 11 0 3 1 +0.1 Cure Work
Zombies Active
Anaerobic Resuscitation Infected braincells switch to anaerobic respiration. Lactic acid buildup is lethal and destroys higher brain processes and personality 9 0 2 7 +0.1 Cure Work
Lumbrical Hypertrophy Significantly strengthens zombie grip making it nearly impossible for prey to break free. Severity significantly increased 10 0 9 0
Peptide Surge Growth hormone production triggers extreme metabolism of fat to build muscle. Enhanced strength increases severity 6 0 6 0
Anabolic Boost Surges of testosterone significantly increase muscle mass and weight of some zombies. Severity significantly increased 18 0 15 0
Masticatory Tension Masticatory muscles become engorged, allowing zombie to bite through thick clothing. Severity increased 9 0 8 0
Acidic Reflux Extreme laryngopharyngeal reflux causes acidic saliva. Increases severity and gives zombies a combat advantage 9 0 4 0 +0.07 Zombie Strength
Naja Mortis Muscle growth around submandibular duct lets some zombies projectile spit at prey. Increases severity and zombie combat advantage 16 0 8 0 +0.12 Zombie Strength
Autothysis Explosive mix of hydrogen sulphide and methane collects inside zombie. Significantly increases severity and zombie combat advantage 22 0 10 0 +0.22 Zombie Strength
Cranial Elephantitis Adenoma triggers mutated growth hormones which encourage bone growth in the skull. Gives zombie combat advantage 9 0 0 0 +0.17 Zombie Strength
Dermal Calcification Mutations in the endocrine system cause parts of skin to harden and calcify. Gives zombies a combat advantage 12 0 0 0 +0.24 Zombie Strength
Bone Dysplasia Increased bone density provides enhanced protection against trauma. Gives zombies a significant combat advantage 15 0 0 0 +0.3 Zombie Strength
Adrenal Surge Mutation of the adrenal cortex causes adrenaline over-production, increasing alertness and aggression of zombies 9 0 8 0
Enhanced Motor Control Nutrient flow to the parietal lobe increased, improving movement and co-ordination. Increases severity, particularly in urban environments 3 0 3 0
Enhanced Sensory Integration Nutrient flow to the occipital and temporal lobes increased. Enhanced sight and hearing increases severity 5 0 4 0
Hyperosmia Thinning of the nasal epithelium significantly heightens zombie sense of smell. Increases severity 8 0 7 0
Temporal Lobe Manipulation Zombies attracted to movement and will abandon victims once dead. Prey more likely to remain intact and become a zombie 11 0 1 0 +0.1 Zombie Conversion
Vampiric Hunger Zombie prefers to suck the blood from its prey rather than eat the flesh. Prey more likely to remain intact and become a zombie 15 0 1 0 +0.1 Zombie Conversion
Cathemeral Shift Stimulation of primary visual cortex improves vision in bright sunlight. Significantly increases severity 8 0 8 0