List of government actions (Necroa Virus)

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In the special plague of Necroa Virus, the government's actions mainly consist in strengthening the country's armed forces and arming the civilian population in order to combat the zombified population.

List of Actions

Actions caused by the Disease Symptoms

The special Necroa Virus plague contains unique actions for certain symptoms, mainly the initial ones that can be evolved at the start of the game. These actions are mainly aimed at reducing infection in a country by taking advantage of certain basic symptoms of the disease, such as Insomnia, which in the standard game, has no government action attached to it, but in this special plague, the governments of the world will start supplying sleeping pills nationally.

Other symptoms such as Cannibalism, also presents a special action when the player evolves it, in which if the government of a country sees that it is necessary to legalize cannibalism in a "safe way" to prevent further contagions.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Sleeping pills subsidised
Local Priority 5 Global Priority 0
Insomnia Required
The player has not yet transformed the infected into zombies
Effects -1 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Kissing ban implemented
Local Priority 10 Global Priority 0
The player has not yet transformed the infected into zombies
Effects -4 in Local Infectivity
Government Action 'Safe Cannibalism' legalised
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
Cannibalism Required
The player has not yet transformed the infected into zombies
Effects -4 in Local Infectivity

Actions caused by the Disease Transmissions

Much of the standard plague government actions are reused for Necroa Virus, with the only difference being that unique actions are added for the hunting and extermination of bats, because this disease can spread through these animals.

Additionally, this plague has a government action not related to animals, but with the transmission of Gastrointestinal Expansion, which causes the disease to be able to reproduce quickly in certain areas of the stomach and intestines of the infected, so if in this case the player evolves this transmission, the governments will begin to better monitor the drains to avoid new possible infections.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Sewage Stations monitored
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
The player has not yet transformed the infected into zombies
Effects -4 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Bat killing legalised
Local Priority 10 Global Priority 15
Bat 1 Required
The player has not yet transformed the infected into zombies
Effects -4 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Bat Colonies culled
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 0
Bat hunting around the country has been previously legalized
Effects -6 in Local Infectivity & -0.01 in Public Order

Evacuation and Population Relocation Actions

As the infected start to become zombies in the game, the governments of different countries will take measures to prevent the zombies from attacking the healthy population, so much so that they will tighten security in different hospitals in the country to the point of evacuating all urban areas and creating refugee camps. In case the country does not manage to control the zombie population, one of the measures that the government will take is to recommend the population to move as far away as possible from urban centers, hospitals and refugee camps to avoid zombie attacks.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Refugee camps set up
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
About 0.2% of the country's population has been zombified
Effects +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Refugee camps declared 'hostile'
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 0
Refugee camps were previously set up in the country
About 10% of the country's population has died or has been turned into a zombie
Effects -1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Urban evacuation ordered
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 0
At least 1% of the country's population has died or has been turned into a zombie
Effects +1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Urban areas declared 'hostile'
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 0
At least 10% of the country's population has died or has been turned into a zombie
Urban areas of the country were evacuated beforehand
Effects -1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Hospital fortification ordered
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
At least 1% of the country's population has died or has been turned into a zombie
Effects +1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Hospitals declared 'hostile'
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 0
At least 10% of the country's population has died or has been turned into a zombie
Fortification of hospitals previously executed
Effects -1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order

Strengthening Actions of the Country's Armed Forces

During the course of the game, the world's governments will try everything possible to prevent the zombie population from expanding into their respective territories, so when this happens, they will send their armed forces on high alert, and as the Necroa Virus becomes much more severe, they will try to take more drastic measures, which while reducing the severity and increasing the combat strength when dealing with the zombies, also considerably reduces the public order of the country, as the armed forces will take drastic measures such as 'Preemptive neutralisation', which may cause a slight increase in local lethality.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Armed Forces on high alert
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 30
The disease has started to turn infected people into zombies
Effects -1 in Local Severity, +0.005 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Special forces deploy in hospitals
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 30
The country's armed forces should be on high alert beforehand
Effects -2 in Local Severity, +0.005 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action 24/7 military patrols established
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 40
The country's armed forces should be on high alert beforehand
Effects -3 in Local Severity, +0.005 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Scorched Earth tactics approved
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 70
Around 0.01% of the population is dead or has been turned into a zombie
The armed forces must be on high alert
Effects -5 in Local Severity, +0.005 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.1 in Public Order
Government Action 'Preemptive neutralisation' approved
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 70
Around 0.01% of the population is dead or has been turned into a zombie
The armed forces must be on high alert
Effects -6 in Local Severity, +1 in Local Lethality, +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.2 in Public Order
Government Action Shoot on Sight protocol authorised
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 60
Around 0.01% of the population is dead or has been turned into a zombie
The armed forces must be on high alert
Effects -3 in Local Severity, +1 in Local Lethality, +0.005 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.1 in Public Order

Z Com Actions

Among the events that happen during the course of the game when using Necroa Virus, is about the existence and formation of Z Com, an organization in charge of exterminating zombies and protecting the population of the countries in which they have a command post. If the player does not take care of destroying the Z Com command posts of their respective countries in a short period of time, they will become much stronger to face zombie attacks as time goes by. Additionally in the event that the original government of the country, Z Com will replace it instead to protect what is left of the country's healthy population.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Z Com Project joined
Local Priority 1 Global Priority 1
Z Com has chosen this specific country to protect the population after it was discovered that the Necroa Virus transforms the infected into zombies
Effects -1 in Local Severity. +0.2 in Public Order, +0.15 in Research Allocation & +0.01 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com Command Activated
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 30
The country has joined the Z Com project previously to establish the command
Effects -1 in Local Severity & +0.01 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com safe zones designated
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 30
Z Com Command Active in the Country
Effects -2 in Local Severity & +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com takes over Armed Forces
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 30
Z Com has previously designated safe areas in the country
Effects -2 in Local Severity & +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com Kill Teams deployed
Local Priority 35 Global Priority 35
Z Com has previously taken full control of the country's armed forces
Effects -3 in Local Severity & +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com fortresses constructed
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 40
Z Com has previously deployed Zombie Killing Groups around the country
Effects -3 in Local Severity & +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com fortresses fully militarised
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 40
Z Com has previously established full-scale forts around the country
Effects -3 in Local Severity & +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com lock down completed
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 50
Z Com has completed the process of full militarization for all the forts around the country
Effects -4 in Local Severity & +0.1 in Population's Combat Strength
Government Action Z Com form new government
Local Priority 1 Global Priority 1
The country's original government has fallen
Effects -15 in Local Severity, +5 in Public Order & +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength

Society Stability Actions

Since the disease is starting to spread and turning infected people into zombies, the governments of different countries will try to advise the population on how to cope such as setting up a hotline to report bites or providing information about decapitation of bodies, when the disease starts to become progressively more severe, the governments will, if still standing, give weapons to the civilian population to defend against the zombies and in addition to distributing survival kits. In the event that the country is unable to control the zombies, governments will begin to take extreme measures such as pleading with survivors for a "plea for unity" or going so far as to launch suicide broadcasts.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Survival kits airdropped
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 0
At least 1% of the country's population has been turned into zombies or is dead
Effects -5 in Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Looters executed
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 0
At least 1% of the country's population has been turned into zombies or is dead
Effects -5 in Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Gang surrender demanded
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 0
The country's government has not yet fallen
At least 15% of the country's population has been turned into zombies or is dead
Effects +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Local armed militias formed
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 50
The disease has started to turn infected people into zombies
Effects -2 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.1 in Public Order
Government Action Assault weapons given to public
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 60
Local armed militias previously formed in the country
The country's government has not yet fallen
Effects -3 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.1 in Public Order
Government Action Plea of unity issued
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 0
Approximately 10% of the country's population has died or has become a zombie
Effects -2 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Bite hotline set up
Local Priority 15 Global Priority 0
The disease has started to turn infected people into zombies
The country's government has not yet fallen
Effects -1 in Local Infectivity, -1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Corpses decapitation information given
Local Priority 15 Global Priority 0
The disease has started to turn infected people into zombies
The country's government has not yet fallen
Effects -1 in Local Severity, +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Human Experimentation approved
Local Priority 85 Global Priority 0
The disease has not yet turned anyone into a zombie
About 20% of the country's population has died from the disease
The country's government has not yet fallen
Effects -2 in Local Severity, +0.5 in Research Allocation & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Citizens told to repent their sins
Local Priority 40 Global Priority 0
About 1% of the country's population has died or has become a zombie
Effects +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Government Action Suicide advice broadcast
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 0
About 70% of the country's population has become a zombie or has died
Effects +0.05 in Population's Combat Strength & -0.01 in Public Order
Country Destruction

In the event that the zombie population increases significantly, one of the last measures a country will take is to declare an apocalypse around the territory, although this action reduces public order, it will make people more alert to survive and will increase their combat strength a little.

When the zombie population has wiped out a large percentage of the country and public order is too low, the country's government will fall. In case the country has a Z Com base, that organization will take control of the country and try to protect the rest of the survivors, increasing the public order a bit, then the player will have to destroy the Z Com base first in order to annihilate the country completely to win the game.

In the event that there are no more healthy people left in a country, the game will show in the news bar that the country has been destroyed and there is nothing left in that nation.


  • Necroa Virus Government Actions - (Game File Name: govactions__zombietxt) (Game Version: Version of Plague Inc.: Evolved (PC))
    • Note: All the information on this page was obtained by extracting the game files using external tools, in addition some variables have been transformed from decimals to percentages such as the requirement of infected or dead population for an action to be performed.