Abilities (Necroa Virus)

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Ability Description Base Cost Other increases
Data Source: Necroa Virus Trait Stats (Game File: necroa.txt)
Autolytic Delay Virus slows release of digestive enzymes from cells' lysosomes - slowing decomposition of corpse 5 -0.15 Corpse Decay Rate
Putrefactive Resistance Virus prevents anaerobic microorganisms from digesting proteins - slowing decomposition of corpse 6 -0.2 Corpse Decay Rate
Liquefactive Resistance Virus denatures hydrolytic enzymes, slowing liquefactive necrosis and decomposition of the corpse 7 -0.25 Corpse Decay Rate
Heat Resistance 1 Pathogen evolves to withstand hot temperatures and climates 7 +0.2 in Hot Climates
Heat Resistance 2 Pathogen avoids cellular breakdown in high temperatures. Increased effectiveness in hot climates 17 +0.5 in Hot Climates
Cold Resistance 1 Pathogen evolves to withstand cold temperatures and climates 5 +0.3 in Cold Climates
Cold Resistance 2 Lower intracellular water volume prevents freezing. Increased effectiveness in cold climates 7 +0.5 in Cold Climates
Mummification A severely decayed zombie is able to enter a state of hibernation. Reduces rate of zombie decay, especially in hot countries 14 +0.4 in Hot Climates
+0.6 in Cold Climates
-0.2 Corpse Decay Rate
Mummification Flag turned on
Drug Resistance 1 Pathogen becomes resistant to class 1 and 2 antivirals. Increase effectiveness in wealthy countries 9 +0.3 in Rich Countries
Drug Resistance 2 Pathogen develops resistance to class 3 and class 4. Increase effectiveness in wealthy countries 20 +0.7 in Rich Countries
Horde Instinct Active ability lets Zombies form hordes to travel across land and water and attack new lands 3 +993 Zombies per horde
Horde Mentality Zombies more likely to follow others. Zombie horde size increases into the thousands 5 +99000 Zombies per horde
Horde Vocalisation Horde leaders attract nearby zombies with distinctive moans. Hordes can have hundreds of thousands of zombies 10 +9900000 Zombies per horde
Horde Pheromones Horde leaders produce pheromones to attract zombies to them. Zombie hordes can be millions strong 15 +9900000 Zombies per horde
Structured Travel Zombies focus on horde leaders - focusing the horde on the direction of travel and increasing travel speed 0 +0.25 Horde Speed
Dyskinetic Movement Involuntary movements keep zombie coordinated with the horde - improving movement speed 1 +0.3 Horde Speed
Echopraxia Frontal lobe damage causes infected to mimic each others' movement patterns, improving navigation of obstacles and overall speed of the horde 3 +0.35 Horde Speed
Engorged Quadriceps Nutrients stripped from other parts of the corpse and used to repair leg muscles in order to improve horde speed 4 +1 Severity
+0.4 Horde Speed
Drifting Fermentation Controlled decomposition causes zombies to bloat. Horde can drift in sea currents - significantly increasing ocean travel speed 0 +0.5 Horde Speed on Water
Regenerative Activation Active ability enables neurological regeneration in the brains of infected corpses - effectively re-animating some of the dead 3
Regenerative Bio-synthesis Enhanced neurological regenerative proteins allow corpses with severe head wounds to be re-animated 3 +0.4 Reanimated Bodies
Epidermal Digestion Digestive enzymes break down the skin of the corpse to provide nutrients. Enables re-animation of severely mutilated corpses 3 +0.65 Reanimated Bodies
Cranial Metastasis Partial neuron development triggered in lungs - allowing some decapitated corpses to re-animate 4 +0.85 Reanimated Bodies
Ambush Predation Reanimated zombies often remain still - waiting for humans to approach them. Reanimated zombies get combat advantage 2 +0.1 Combat Strength
Liquefactive Necrosis Reanimated zombies have partially liquefied internal organs which rupture easily. Reanimated zombies get combat advantage 2 +0.1 Combat Strength
Genetic ReShuffle 1 Pathogen DNA strands reassembled. More work needed to develop a cure 6 +0.1 Cure Requirement
Genetic ReShuffle 2 A new strain of the pathogen now exists, increasing the work needed to develop a cure 11 +0.2 Cure Requirement
Genetic Hardening Pathogen becomes harder to analyse in the lab. Decreases future research speed 4 +0.15 Cure Work