Nipah Virus

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Scenario nipah virus.png "Rapid urbanisation in India accelerates human encroachment into animal habitats whilst a new strain of the Nipah Virus spreads fast through fruit bat colonies. Genetic crossover with other species of the Henipavirus genus could enable enhanced cross-species transmission - resulting in a Contagion worthy of Hollywood.
Could this be the most deadly Nipah outbreak ever?"

— Plague Inc., Nipah Virus introduction paragraph.

Nipah Virus is an official scenario involving the control of a zoonotic virus inhabiting several bat colonies around India, characterized as a new strain of Henipavirus, which has symptoms that cause ocular discomfort and respiratory problems.

Nipah Virus was introduced as part of the Evolution 7 Beta for the PC version of Plague Inc.:Evolved,[1] while for mobile devices it was introduced as part of Mutation 1.8[2]

Scenario Attributes

The player controls a Virus whose default name is "Nipah". It automatically starts in India with Bat 1 and Nipah Virus already evolved. No Symptoms can be unlocked until either Bat 2 or Swine 1 are evolved.


  • Bat Icon (Generic).png
    Bat 1 - 4: Virus infects bats, increasing infectivity in Hot and Humid Countries.
  • Swine Icon.png
    Swine 1 - 3: Virus infects pigs, increasing infectivity in Rural Countries.
  • Fomites Icon (Nipah Virus).png
    Fomites 1 - 3: Virus spreads through surfaces. Increases infectivity in Urban and Rich Countries.
  • Horse Icon.png
    Horse 1 - 2: Virus infects horses, increasing infectivity in Rural and Arid Countries, along with Land Transmission.
  • Dog Icon (Nipah Virus).png
    Dog: Virus infects dogs, increasing infectivity in Urban Countries.


  • Nausea Icon.png
    Nausea: Irritated stomach lining leads to discomfort. Slight chance of infection when kissing.
  • Coughing Icon.png
    Coughing: Chance of infection by spreading pathogen into surroundings, especially in high density, urban areas.
  • Dysphagia (Nipah Virus).png
    Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing causes occasional coughing when eating. Slight increase in infectivity.
  • Stn Rash.png
    Headache: Disturbance of the pain-sensitive structures around the brain. Reduces concentration.
  • PhotophobiaIcon.png
    Photophobia: Discomfort to the eyes due to light exposure. Increasingly severe in sunnier locations.
  • DrowsinessIcon.png
    Drowsiness: Patients find themselves in a constant state of drowsiness. Research scientists are slightly less productive.
  • Vomiting Icon.png
    Vomiting: The expulsion of infected material through projectile vomiting increases the risk of infection.
  • SneezingV2.png
    Sneezing: Fluid discharge through sneezing greatly increases infection rates.
  • DyspneaIcon.png
    Dyspnea: Shortness of breath creates difficulty breathing, especially in arid locations. Occasionally fatal with extreme exercise.
  • NuchalRigidityIcon.png
    Nuchal Rigidity: Minor muscle spasms prevent flexing of the neck due to increased rigidity of surrounding muscle.
  • BlurredVisionIcon.png
    Blurred Vision: Lack of sharpness of vision results in the inability to see fine detail.
  • ConfusionNipahVirus.png
    Confusion: Dopamine production stimulated to cause bouts of confusion. Harder to concentrate on complex work.
  • Pulmonary Oedema Icon.png
    Pulmonary Oedema: Potentially fatal heart abnormality causes breakdown of respiratory system, releasing pathogen into the air.
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis Icon.png
    Pulmonary Fibrosis: Scarring of the lungs causes shortness of breath and extreme coughing. Can be fatal when combined with intense exercise.
  • TachycardiaIcon.png
    Tachycardia: Resting heart rate is consistently above 100 beats per minute, putting undue pressure on the heart. can be fatal with older patients.
  • Fever Icon (Generic).png
    Fever: Increase in temperature, contagiousness and severe dehydration, which can be fatal.
  • Hallucinations Icon (Generic).png
    Hallucinations: Occipital lesions created, causing severe hallucinations. Significantly harder to cure and can be fatal.
  • MemoryLossNipahVirus.png
    Memory Loss: Neuritic plaques deposited on grey matter significantly impact memory and learning. Research doctors lose progress.
  • HaemoptysisNipahVirus.png
    Haemoptysis: Patients cough up bright-red, foamy blood from the respiratory tract. Increasingly infectious, particularly in urban environments.
  • PulmonaryHypertensionIcon.png
    Pulmonary Hypertension: Blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries is elevated, exerting more pressure on the heart. Can be fatal when combined with exercise.
  • Seizures Icon.png
    Seizures: Random blackouts and fits reduce the patient's ability to function independently. Can be fatal.
  • PulmonaryHaemorrhageIcon.png
    Pulmonary Haemorrhage: Severe bleeding in the upper respiratory tract and the trachea. Increasing infectivity and often fatal.
  • RespiratoryFailureIcon.png
    Respiratory Failure: Severe hypoxemia leads to catastrophic respiratory failure and death.
  • Coma Icon.png
    Coma: Neuropathic effects in the brain stem cause loss of consciousness and sometimes death. Significantly harder to cure.
  • MeningitisIcon.png
    Meningitis: Acute inflammation of the protective membranes covering of the brain and spinal cord. Highly fatal.
  • EncephalitisIcon.png
    Encephalitis: Multiple inflammatory lesions in the brain triggered. Causes neurological damage resulting in death.


  • Heat Resistance Icon.png
    Heat Resistance 1 - 2: Virus withstands higher temperatures easily, increasing Infectivity in Hot Countries.
  • Cold Resistance Icon.png
    Cold Resistance 1 - 2: Virus withstands lower temperatures easily, increasing Infectivity in Cold Countries.
  • EnvironmentalHardeningIcon.png
    Environmental Hardening: Pathogen develops hardened coating - becoming highly weather resistant and extremely comfortable in both hot and cold climates
  • Drug Resistance Icon.png
    Drug Resistance 1 - 2: Virus resistant to all Antibiotics[Note 1], increasing Infectivity in Rich Countries.
  • Ability DNA Icon.png
    Genetic ReShuffle 1 - 3: Virus reassembles its DNA and creates new strains, increasing the work required for a cure.
  • GeneticIcon.png
    Genetic Hardening 1 - 2: Virus harder to analyze in laboratories, increasing the work required for a cure.
  • Hendra Traits Icon.png
    Hendra Traits: Pathogen develops traits of the equine Hendra virus, increasing selection of host animals.
  • Ability Biohazard Icon.png
    Nipah Virus: A new strain of the Nipah Virus that spreads harmlessly through bats, with the potential to spread to humans.
  • Cedar Traits Icon.png
    Cedar Traits: Pathogen develops traits of the benign Cedar Virus. Allows virus to survive away from a host, but more likely to be cured.
  • Fever Icon (Generic).png
    Encephalitic Shift: Gain ability to cause severe neurological symptoms.
  • Sneezing Icon.png
    Respiratory Shift: Gain ability to cause severe pathological conditions in the lungs.


Scenario nipah virus.png
Related Articles
  • India is still a rural country in this scenario instead of urban, despite the description.
  • This is the one of the first scenarios, along with the Frozen Virus, to have achievements unique to it other than its completion achievement (i.e. Call PETA, Who needs Science, Contagion Cancelled).
  • According to James Vaughan, this scenario and its various attributes refer to the, 2011 film Contagion, with a couple of inconsistencies:
    • The contagion actually began in China when a Bat gets disturbed by a Bulldozer while destroying their habitats before spreading it to a Banana. A pig who ate the infected fruit was contaminated and slaughtered, spreading it to a chef who prepared pork off it. The chef then transmits the virus to Beth Emhoff, starting a devastating chain reaction.


Complete Nipah Virus.jpg Achievement Name: Complete Nipah Virus
Achievement Description: Score 3 biohazards the Nipah Virus scenario
Value: Difficulty: Any


  1. In-game description says "Pathogen becomes resistant to class 1 and 2/class 3 and 4 antibiotics". In real life, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, while antivirals are used to treat viral infections.


  1. James (2014-05-20). "Beta Build - Evolution 7 - new cheats, scenarios and languages". Steam Discussions Retrieved on December 19, 2023.
  2. AllHailSpicy (2014-04-25). "Plague Inc. Recent Updates". Yo It's Spicy Blog Archived from the original on December 19, 2023. Retrieved on December 19, 2023.