Memory Loss

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Memory Loss is a symptom available in the Neurax Worm DLC, in addition to the Frozen Virus, Mad Cow Disease and Nipah Virus scenarios.

Neurax Worm

Memory Loss is a symptom in the Neurax Worm DLC. It makes learning very hard. It is extremely hard to develop a cure with this symptom evolved.

Nipah Virus

There is a version of Memory Loss in the Nipah Virus scenario which has a similar description to the Neurax Worm version. The only difference between the two is the ending sentence; "Very hard to cure" for the Neurax Worm and "Research doctors lose progress" in the Nipah Virus Scenario. It costs 13 DNA points. This symptom needs to be involved in order to unlock the Contagion Cancelled achievement.

Frozen Virus

Memory Loss is a symptom in the Frozen Virus Scenario, it causes recent memories to become vague historical recollections. It cannot be evolved without the DNA Repair 2 ability.

Government Actions

If the player evolves this symptom, there is a possibility that in a country the school ministers will be dismissed, for this to happen, the local priority towards the disease in that country must be 10.[1]

Cure Effects

Plague Cure Requirement Research Inefficiency
Neurax Worm +0.06 0
Frozen Virus +0.2 +0.03
Nipah Virus +0.1 0
Mad Cow Disease +0.03 0


  1. Frozen Virus Information - Game Files (See govactions_standard #56846)