Responses (Cure Mode)

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Responses are one of the unique mechanics introduced in Cure Mode, where the player can control outbreaks by taking actions that can improve the healthcare system by distributing medicines and strengthening hospitals.

Some plagues require the acquisition of responses more urgently, such as Prion, high priority should be given to measures that can reduce the disease's lethality,[1] in order to prevent the country's health system from collapsing.

Within the responses, measures can be found to reduce both infectivity and lethality, as well as extensive monitoring to prevent the disease from being easily spread to other countries, in addition to measures that can increase the country's capacity to conduct medical testing.

Infection Prevention

Icon Trait Description Resources
Hand Washing Icon.png Hand Washing Promote good hygiene practices by making sure people regularly and effectively wash their hands. Reduce Infection 6
PublicAwareness.png Public Awareness Promote personal responsibility on the spread of the disease to encourage people to follow official advice. Reduce Infection 3
DisinfectantSupplies.png Disinfectant Supplies Distribute bleach and other disinfectants to eradicate the disease from surfaces. Reduce Infection 5
SelfIsolation.png Self-Isolation Symptomatic people must not leave their homes or interact with others for at least 2 weeks. Reduce Infection 5
Social Distancing Icon.png Social Distancing People must stay 2+ meters away from others and avoid badly ventilated spaces. Reduce Infection but slightly increase Non-Compliance 9
Local Lockdowns Icon.png Local Lockdowns Lockdown any neighbourhood that registers a case of the disease by force. Significantly reduce Infection but slightly increase Non-Compliance 20
MaskWearing.png Mask Wearing People must wear masks when social distancing isn't possible. Significantly reduce Infection 15
PPEPackage1.png PPE Package 1 Distribute basic personal protective equipment including medical masks, face shields, goggles and hand sanitiser. Reduce Infection and slightly reduce Fatality rate 7
PPEPackage2.png PPE Package 2 Distribute advanced equipment including respirators, gloves and long sleeved gowns. Reduce Infection and slightly reduce Fatality rate 13
ImproveSupplyChains.png Improve Supply Chains Protect supplies of essential goods by stockpiling raw materials and maintaining transport links. Reduce Infection and increase Vaccine Manufacturing speed 17

Death Prevention

Icon Trait Description Resources
Emergency Preparation Icon.png Emergency Preparation Improve Infection Prevention and Control practices at hospitals and care homes, brief staff, and stockpile PPE. Reduce Fatality rate and slightly reduce Infection. 8
ClinicalTreatments.png Clinical Treatments Use common treatments and essential medicines to treat core symptoms of the disease. Slightly reduce Fatality rate 3
Staff Expansion Icon.png Staff Expansion Deploy medical students, bring staff back from retirement and retrain other professionals to increase medical capacity. Reduce Fatality rate 7
Critical Care Management Icon.png Critical Care Management Rigorously identify and share novel intensive care best practices with medical professionals. Reduce Fatality rate 5
Ventilators.png Ventilators Provide patients suffering respiratory distress with machinery to help them breathe. Reduce Fatality rate 7
NewInfrastructure.png New Infrastructure Build new critical care hospitals and external triage centres to increase medical capacity. Reduce Fatality rate. Reduce Authority loss caused by high numbers of infected 12
TreatmentEfficiencies.png Treatment Efficiencies Improve the treatment of infected patients with Pre-Triage assessment and Specialist Treatment units. Reduce Fatality rate 13
SpecialCureModeResponse.png Advanced Antibiotics Provide a range of experimental treatments that target symptoms and the underlying pathogen. Reduce Fatality rate and increase Vaccine Research speed. 11
TreatmentEfficiencies.png Advanced Antifungals Provide a range of experimental treatments that target symptoms and the underlying pathogen. Reduce Fatality rate and increase Vaccine Research speed 11
GenericCureModeResponse.png Steroid Medication Provide drugs like Dexamethasone to decrease severe inflammation and redirect the immune system to fight the disease. Significantly reduce Fatality rate 9
TriageProtocols.png Triage Protocols Apply strict criteria for hospital treatment to focus resources on patients with the highest chance of recovery. Significantly reduce Fatality rate but reduce Authority 6
SurgeProtocols.png Surge Protocols Cancel all elective surgeries and reallocate outpatient departments. Video calls used for all consultations. Reduce Fatality rate and Infection 14
SpecialCureModeResponse.png Interferon Treatment Provide interferon-β proteins administered via inhalers, to trigger an immune response in the patient's lungs. Reduce Fatality rate and increase Vaccine Research Speed 11
GenericCureModeResponse.png IV Fluid Therapy Use intravenous fluids and rehydration therapy to properly maintain homeostasis. Significantly reduce Fatality rate. 9
ConvalescentPlasma.png Convalescent Plasma Use the anti-body rich plasma of patients who have recovered from the disease to help treat others. Reduce Fatality rate and increase Vaccine Research speed 5
MonoclonalAntibodyTreatment.png Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Clone cocktails of specific neutralising antibodies to significantly reduce symptoms in the patient. Reduce Fatality rate and Vaccine Research speed 16

Contact Tracing

Icon Trait Description Resources
ContactTracing1.png Contact Tracing 1 Set up Test and Trace department to identify symptomatic people and notify their contacts. Once established, significantly reduce infections in small outbreaks. 4
ContactTracing2.png Contact Tracing 2 Use smartphones to allow self-reporting and partially automate contact tracing. Contact Tracing better at reducing infections. 5
ContactTracing3.png Contact Tracing 3 Deploy local teams to track potentially exposed people and ensure they follow guidelines. Contact Tracing better at reducing infections. 8
ContactTracing4.png Contact Tracing 4 Mass produce self-testing kits to allow people easily and quickly determine if they are infected. Contact Tracing better at reducing infections. 12
TestingCapacity1.png Testing Capacity 1 Ensure large quantities of testing reagents and other key materials available for laboratories. Contact Tracing effective in larger outbreaks 6
TestingCapacity2.png Testing Capacity 2 Train additional staff and improve logistics to ensure tests are processed rapidly. Contact Tracing effective in larger outbreaks 7
TestingCapacity3.png Testing Capacity 3 Acquire and provide state-of-the-art equipment to allow testing with very high sensitivity and specificity. Contact Tracing effective in larger outbreaks 9

Border Monitoring

Icon Trait Description Resources
BorderMonitoring.png Border Monitoring Begin disease surveillance at borders. Try to identify and rapidly trace infected travelers from high risk countries. 4
AirportScreening.png Airport Screening Implement targeted travel restrictions and screen arrivals at airports for disease. Significantly reduce Air Transmission 8
LandBorderScreening.png Land Border Screening Implement targeted travel restrictions and screen arrivals at land borders for disease. Significantly reduce Land Transmission 11
PortScreening.png Port Screening Implement targeted travel restrictions and screen arrivals at ports for disease. Significantly reduce Sea Transmission 10


  1. u/Sami2024 (2021-03-15). "Advice+Strategies to beat all plague types (Cure Mode)". Reddit Retrieved on January 5, 2024.