Staff Expansion

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Staff Expansion is a response in Cure Mode. This action allows to rapidly increase the medical staff, reducing the fatality rate.


In the case that the player wants to develop a vaccine to defeat a Bio-Weapon epidemic, this is one of the responses along with New Infrastructure and Emergency Preparation, as soon as the disease analysis process is ready.[1] This response, along with the others mentioned previously, are recommended to be acquired first in order to obtain the Anti-Vaxxer achievement.[2]


If the player acquires this operation, during the course of the game, the governments of different countries will execute a series of actions related to the recruitment of medical personnel depending on the priority given to the disease both locally and globally.

Government Action Local Priority Global Priority
Medical Training Accelerated 10 10
Retired doctors recruited 40 40
Vets to operate on humans 60 0
Medical Staff Recruitment Drive 10 10
Source: Cure Mode Government Actions (See Game File: govactions_cure.txt)


  1. u/rien945 (2021-02-28). "How I cured Bio-Weapon (Mega Brutal) by creating a vaccine". Reddit Retrieved on January 3, 2023.
  2. Largartor (2021-04-26). "Anti Vaxxer Achievement Guide". Steam Retrieved on January 3, 2023.