PPE Package

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PPE Package is a Response in Cure Mode. By distributing protection equipment, such as masks and gloves, it reduces Infection rates, and slightly reduces Fatality rates.


If the first stage of this Response is bought, there is a possibility that an event will occur if a country is infected, causing 3D printing hobbyists help hospitals by making PPE supplies. For this to happen, more than 0.5% of the country's population must be infected and less than 2% must have died. In addition, the cure can't be completed, and the disease has to have infected approximately more than 0.04% of the world's population, but killed less than 1% of it. It doesn't have any in-game effect.[1]

Narrative Pop-Up

Government Actions

If the second stage of this Response is bought, governments may store aprons in hospitals or the population of a country may use plastic bags as DIY gloves. However, these events can't happen on the same game, and they don't have any in-game effect.[2]



  1. Cure Mode Events - Game Files (See standard_cure.txt) (Note: The event is called "cure_narrative_printing")
  2. Cure Mode Government Actions - Game Files (See govactions_cure.txt) (Note: The events are called "aprons_stockpiled_at_hospitals" and "plastic_bags_used_as_diy_gloves", respectively)