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The News is a part of Plague Inc. in which world news is displayed. There are some headlines which affect the plague and others which are entirely random. There are also CDC, WHO (formerly RMS) news headlines. For more information, please see List of references.

News involving or about the Plague

These news popups appear on the newsreel whenever something related to the player's plague happens. As the game progresses, they tend to become more common, to the point of them becoming the only news displayed.

  • <plague name> begins in <starting country>
  • <plague type here> DNA detected! (applies to all standard plague types other than bacteria)
  • <plague name> infecting more countries
  • New disease spotted in <country>: New minor disease spreading: In a normal check-up, a doctor in <country> found a new disease which has been named <plague name>. It appears to be mostly harmless but must be investigated further. Other countries are also reporting this disease
    • (Variation, if there's sufficiently high severity): New worrying disease spreading A diagnostic team in <country> has identified a new disease which has been named <plague name>. It is quite severe and must be investigated further.
    • (Variation, if no other countries are infected by the time your disease is discovered): No other countries have reported this disease.
  • Scientists concerned over <plague name>
  • Riots in <country> over 'Mystery Plague': Severe riots have erupted in <country> over the so called 'Mystery Plague'. The government pledges to fund a medical investigation.
  • 'Mystery Plague' is real: Investigations prompted by recent riots in <country> find that the Mystery Plague is real and spreading fast. It has been named <plague name>.
  • <plague name> placed on Watch List: <plague name> has been placed on watchlist. Already dangerous, governments are warned that it could become unstoppable
    • (Variation, if there's sufficiently low severity): Although not very dangerous, governments are warned that a more deadly strain could appear
  • Experimental cure for <plague name> lethal
  • <plague name> mutation pattern extraordinary
  • <country> starts cure research
  • <country> starts work on cure: <country> is first to instruct doctors to begin research into a cure for <plague name>. Without greater funding, it is expected to take a long time
  • New aid programme for Poor countries: The UN announced a new aid initiative for poor countries - making them less vulnerable to disease
  • Scientists exploit Fever/Fever symptoms targeted
  • Scientists exploit Tumours/Tumours symptoms targeted
  • Scientists exploit Diarrhoea/Diarrhoea symptoms targeted
  • Scientists exploit Inflammation/Inflammation symptoms targeted
  • First death in <country>: First death from <plague name> has been confirmed in <country>. Bad luck or the beginning of something terrible?
  • Scientists increase understanding of Fever: Scientists have had a breakthrough in their understanding of Fever and will be able to cure diseases with it more easily
  • Scientists increase understanding of Tumours: Scientists have had a breakthrough in their understanding of Tumours and will be able to cure diseases with it more easily
  • Airplanes use new sterilisation air filters:New air filters are now being used to stop airplanes transmitting any disease between countries. Only advanced airborne diseases can survive on them
  • Upgrade lets airplanes be infected again
  • Extreme bird migration event expected
  • Festival of Love in <name of country>: <name of country> celebrates the Festival of Love. Fans praise the replacement of International Kissing Day. Critics question hygiene standards
  • Tokyo olympics mystery: Mystery still surrounds the decision to postpone the Tokyo Olympics. Organisers promise it will happen soon but no reason has been given for the change
  • Tokyo Olympics infect Japan!: People infected with [plague name] came to Tokyo and spread their disease. It should have never went on!
  • Global warming: Hot countries getting hotter: Latest research shows that hot countries are getting significantly hotter due to global warming
  • <country> shuts down seaports: <country> has become the first country to try to limit the spread of <plague name> by limiting access into and out of the country. Time will tell if this will work.
  • Increased rainfall in humid countries
  • There are no healthy people left in the world: The last healthy person on the planet recently became infected with <plague name>
  • (if Bird I or other Bird stages are evolved) <country> exterminates pigeons
  • <country> exterminates all birds (requires Bird 2)
  • <country> shuts land borders
  • <country> issues pandemic alert
  • <country> declares martial law
  • <country> approves human experimentation
  • <country> mobilises infectious disease teams
  • <country> bans all flights
  • <country> bans movement of livestock (requires Livestock 1)
  • <country> culls all livestock (requires Livestock 2)
  • <country> prioritising cure research
  • <country> declares national emergency
  • <country> closes all ports
  • (if Air transmission is evolved) <country> distributes face masks
  • (if Water transmission is evolved) <country> dispenses bottled water
  • <country> prioritises healthcare for the infected
  • <country> starts central corpse disposal
  • <country> uses mass graves
  • <plague name> placed on watchlist
  • (if Rodent transmission evolved) <country> starts rat extermination campaign
  • <country> sets up trauma centres
  • <country> leading global cure effort
  • <country> puts curfews in place
  • <country> removes drug research safeguards
  • <country> gives cure maximum priority
  • <country> shuts down water supply
  • (if Blood transmission evolved) <country> conducts nationwide blood tests
  • (if Insect transmission evolved) <country> distributes insect repellent
  • <country>'s government has fallen
  • <country>'s government has collapsed
  • <country> closes all public buildings
  • <country> burns corpses
  • <country> shuts down Internet
  • <country> executes infected people
  • <country> bombs infected cities
  • <plague name> genome fully sequenced
  • <plague name> genes manipulated: Scientists have introduced synthetic genes into <plague name>. WHO researchers say that this breakthrough will help cure efforts
  • <plague name> about to eradicate humans
  • <country> shuts down mobile networks
  • New dry winds in arid countries: Latest research shows that strong dry winds are sweeping through arid countries due to global warming
  • ICURE DEVICE ANNOUNCED: AppleSoft announces new iCure device to help cure <plague name>. Release date TBA.
  • ICURE RELEASED GLOBALLY! People rush to buy new touchscreen device that can help cure <plague name>
  • ICURE A FAILURE! People with <plague name> are sweating so much that the iCure touchscreen breaks.
  • RMS - 'threat level increased'
  • WHO - 'threat level increased'
  • CDC teams hunt Patient Zero
  • CDC teams close on Patient Zero
  • CDC teams identify Patient Zero
  • CDC fails to identify Patient Zero

Neurax Worm

Main Article: News - Neurax Worm
The Neurax Worm is one of those plagues that, as soon as the first case was reported, several governments and health institutions will start sending out reports about how alarming it is as evidence shows that the pathogen can alter the psychological functioning of the infected population.

Necroa Virus

Main Article: News - Necroa Virus
The special plague of Necroa Virus is characterised by its ability to regenerate dead bodies through Cytopathic Reanimation, subsequently there will be a lot of reports of people who have died either from the disease or other causes coming back to life as zombies, as well as reports of infected people biting healthy people. This will cause a huge alarm by governments and health institutions after the disease is detected.

Simian Flu

Main Article: News - Simian Flu
The special plague of Simian Flu is characterised by causing strong modifications to the neural structure of Apes, making them remarkably intelligent but at the same time making all humans who possess the disease much more vulnerable to becoming ill and subsequently dying.

Shadow Plague

Main Article: News - Shadow Plague
The special pathogen of Shadow Plague has unique abilities that increase the vampire's strength. During the course of the game, the human population will try to defend themselves from the vampire's attacks by distributing garlic or holy water to the civilian population's armament. In addition, Templar bases will try to arm certain countries to prevent vampire expansion.

Frozen Virus

Frozen Virus:

  • Patient Zero infected Russia!
  • Humans becoming Neanderthals: People infected with <plague name> are now fully regressing mentally and physically to a Neanderthal species. The world as we know it is about to change...
  • <plague name> begins new Neanderthal era: Every human on Earth has regressed physically and mentally to a Neanderthal state. Homo sapiens are no more...

Nipah Virus

Nipah Virus:

  • Nipah now a danger to humans
  • Patient Zero infected India!: You are endemic in Indian fruit bat colonies and a chance encounter infects Patient Zero. Zoonotic transmission is essential...

Santa's Little Helper

Santa's Little Helper:

  • <country> makes all TV news-only
  • UN confirms no plan to end Fun Ban
  • Mulled wine banned due to links with Christmas
  • <country> living in perfect happiness
  • <country> stops public holidays
  • Red truck delivering soft drinks stopped by police
  • Politician denies accusations of laughing
  • Theme park closed by government for being 'too fun'
  • Partridge shot down from a pear tree
  • 'Anti-fun squad' wins uncontested re-election
  • Child arrested for gravely injuring two robbers
  • Christmas Tree stock burnt due to lack of demand
  • <country> sets compulsory hair length
  • Illegal Activity list updated to include winking
  • 34th street closed off amid rumors of miracle
  • Turkey Extermination Programme almost done
  • Chef 'crossed the line' by adding pumpkin to pie
  • Banker attempts suicide - 'haunted by 3 ghosts'
  • New 'happiness' disease spreading - An anti-fun squad in <country> has identified a new disease which has been named <disease name>. It is making people happy and is a threat to society. Other countries are also reporting this disease
  • Playgrounds demolished in <country>
  • Parents fined over child's birthday party
  • Taxes raised in <country>
  • <country> bans playing sports
  • Pensions cut in <country>
  • <country> bans bright clothing
  • 99 percent of adults can't recognize mistletoe
  • Forced weekend working in <country>
  • 'Snowman' shot during child abduction attempt
  • <country> bans coloured lights
  • <country> cancels net neutrality
  • <country> lifts ban on foreign travel (only if at least Digital Elf is evolved)
  • Selfie fines imposed in <country> (only if Digital Elf is evolved)
  • Facebook blocked in <country> (only if Digital Herald is evolved)
  • YouTube banned in <country> (only if Digital Angel is evolved)
  • <country> expands public surveillance
  • Snowball fights illegal in <country> (only if Snowballs 1 is evolved)
  • Protests against cure in <country> (only if Appreciation is evolved)
  • Anti-joy flyers distributed in <country>
  • Anti-joy propaganda begins in <country>
  • Cure sabotaged in <country> (only if Harmony is evolved)
  • Cure development slows in <country> (only if Contentedness is evolved)

Mad Cow Disease

  • <country> prohibits broccoli
  • <country> buries potatoes at landfill
  • <country> euthanizes swine
  • <country> imposes hunting regulations
  • <country> destroyed rice supplies
  • <country> buries crisps at landfill
  • <country> destroys mangos
  • <country> distributes sterile food packets
  • <country> outlaws fishing
  • <country> exterminates chickens
  • <country> slaughters cattle
  • <country> burns corn fields
  • <country> pulps avocados
  • <country> issues nutritional paste
  • <country> makes calorie counting compulsory
  • <country> starts culling rabbits
  • <country> burns wheat fields
  • <country> closes supermarkets
  • <country> quarantines farmers
  • <country> bans bone meal feed
  • <country> bans beef produce
  • <country> bans beef imports
  • <country> rations food
  • <country> milk declared illegal


  • cheat detected! - <Plague Name> is a cheat! For obvious reasons, you will not be given a score.

Random News

These News popups appear randomly on the newsreel, but towards the end of the game, they become much rarer and will eventually stop appearing due to the newsreel becoming flooded with the above listed news popups and conditions for these news events being denied.

  • Stairs foil rolling robot escape
  • Suicide rates still increase after the removal of 'flappy bird'
  • 'Crazy Dave' convicted of Garden Centre robbery
  • Blue hedgehog breaks land speed record
  • Millions of pre-orders for latest smartphones
  • University debate controversy - Huge controversy erupts over university debate on whether it is fair for parents living off state benefits to give birth to children which they can't support
  • Major oil field discovered in Arctic
  • Egypt 'in danger of wasting a generation'
  • Major terrorist plot foiled
  • Research on Bird flu not published
  • Global recession to end 'soon'
  • Largest ever Paella made in Spain
  • Cotton shortage inspires nudity boom
  • Girl returns from valley of monuments inside out
  • People told to await their Destiny
  • Major Chinese leadership shuffle
  • Woman catches Man Flu
  • Machine gun-powered jetpack banned over safety concern
  • Writitors demand site paywall: A group of Writitors, unsatisfied with their working conditions, have put forward a motion to require readers to subscribe to a paywall. Community 'fully supportive'...
  • Llama collecting is 'the new craze'
  • Lemur fur toilet paper 'inhumane'
  • New Malaria drug in testing
  • Phone maker asks trendy singer to be CEO
  • Major filesharing website banned
  • Hi tech camouflaged tank 'lost' by army
  • Greece may exit eurozone
  • Water shortages causing conflict
  • New social network launches: There is a new social network on the scene for people without friends. Blankbook+ is expected to attract billions of people within days
  • Major Oil discovery in Africa
  • Australia sacks the queen
  • Gamers worldwide begin worshipping helix fossil
  • Woman says USA election was rigged
  • Police frame politician
  • European union planes 'new' federal anthem
  • Brazil investigating new aircraft carrier
  • Goat demands royalties from game dev
  • 'Earth not a planet', science body claims
  • Tensions in Ukraine reach critical levels
  • Riots in Mexico City 'caused by parking fine'
  • Largest ancient cave drawing discovered in Syria
  • Strange space debris found
  • Senkaku islands sink - diplomats relieved
  • Historian identifies 3 Ages of Wonders
  • Scotland 'should become part of France'
  • Chaucer's work being digitally remastered
  • Creeper executed for destruction of virtual property
  • Teacher sacked for 'teaching Castle Raid' in history
  • Cyber attacks 'increasingly concerning'
  • Fracking legal in UK
  • Tropical storm Shakira 'less intense than expected'
  • Historic space mission planned
  • Safety experts say that paper cuts 'can kill'
  • Politician makes polygraph machine explode
  • Turkish protests 'could be turning point'
  • Utah man accidentally sues himself, claims harassment
  • Mystery woman donates billions to charity
  • Most expensive movie ever 'cost too much'
  • Botoshel solves NAZG mystery
  • Penguin spontaneously combusts in zoo
  • First public chicken crossing declared in Peru
  • Spain announces austerity measures
  • Far Right party wins seats in European election
  • Miniature black hole 'not a concern', says scientists
  • Blockbuster FPS 'will not be controversial'
  • 'Aliens not interested in Earth' says writer
  • Man runs with scissors, twelve hospitalised
  • Euro at 3 month low against dollar
  • Doubts raised over War on Drugs
  • Report says Japan 'must go nuclear'
  • Melting glaciers are 'major tourist opportunity'
  • France considers banning employment
  • India Current Account surplus grows
  • Expert warns invisible horse riding can cause hair loss
  • FTL developer sued over 'permadeath' emotional trauma
  • Concern over East Asian financial distortions
  • Goldman Stanley Bank Crisis: The investment bank reported catastrophic losses today due to a technical error in their random number generator
  • Canadians Celebrate Hay-Herbert Treaty: Canadians celebrate the anniversary of the famous Hay-Herbet Treaty which saw Alaska became part of Canada. Americans outgraged.
  • New Zealand centre of magnetic field shift: A recent fluctuation in the earth's magnetic field is claimed by scientists to be strong to be harnessed by New Zealand as a source of power.
  • Dictator demands solar eclipse on birthday
  • Nurse wages soar due to global shortage
  • Top notch mine opens in Sweden: Miners and crafters look forwards to the opening of a new, top notch diamond mine which is expected to revitalise the Swedish economy
  • Yoyo attacks becoming more common
  • Typewriting monkeys produce copy of Shakespeare
  • Insurgency continues in Middle East
  • Latest zombie movie 'based on truth'
  • Major earthquake in Siberia caused minor damage
  • Major intelligence leak stuns world
  • Profit warning in US retail sector
  • China trade deficit narrows
  • Harry Potter reboot 'considered'
  • Giant whale sinks fishing boat
  • Mankini not funny, says Kazakh professor
  • Higgs Boson found behind sofa. Owner baffled
  • Rusty Rake declared a deadly weapon
  • Music legend marries film star
  • AC-130 'safest place in event of zombie attack'
  • Australia and Japan in court over whaling
  • Excessive TV watching linked to brain cancer
  • Evidence 'shows that Julius Caesar plated Outwitters'
  • Caesar voted most popular pet name
  • Danish Mafia becoming 'too powerful': Recent events involving the Danish mafia have prompted the German Chancellor to commission a new investigation into organised crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Famine feared in South Asia
  • Experts concerned that children not reading enough
  • Warcrimes trial launched in The Hague
  • Man freed after 12 years stuck in hole
  • Child reinvents wheel. Engineers baffled
  • Driver in hospital after 'Zombie Highway' incident
  • Global protests against GM crops
  • Gangnam Style rewritten as major Broadway musical
  • Japan avoids fiscal meltdown
  • Ridiculous' fisherman arrested on firearm charges (there was a typo in this news headline in which only one comma was inserted)
  • Portals make infinite cake possible (possibly related to
  • XmL_3rr0R~/?$-
  • XmL_3rr0R//?$!&...5HutD0Wn
  • PRISM reveals interest in Plague Inc. players
  • Priests claim 'asteroid to destroy earth in 4024'
  • Leaning tower of Pisa 'leaning the wrong way'
  • Developer signs pledge to never add zombies into game
  • World Cup fever infects the world!
  • Mass panic over 3D printed robotic juicer
  • Space shuttle Atlantis to be sold at auction
  • First 4D film released
  • Potato Salad shortage due to price rise fears
  • Script approved for 'Episode 7 - Taking the Mickey'
  • Mobile game developer trademarks the word 'The'
  • New console admits to 'always on' power requirement
  • Justin Bibble trampled by fans
  • Computer games industry growing in UK
  • Texas votes to ban guns
  • North Korea rescues Space Station: North Korea uses Peace Rockets to save the International Space Station from space junk collision. Significant debris caused by explosion
  • Footballer given anti-biotics after Suarez bite
  • Spanish galleon found off Ecuadorian coast
  • Ecuador offer to rehouse Statue of Liberty
  • New island found in Pacific
  • Minor gold rush near Istanbul
  • New leader of WHO 'elected'
  • Terry Pratchett voted best author ever!
  • Australian Prime Minister changes
  • Italian plumber fined for killing turtles
  • Pop singer told to shake it off
  • Tiny robot lands on comet, confirms it is comet
  • Connection issues disrupt virtual reality wedding
  • Valve Timer slower than thought: Researchers have calculated that it takes longer than expected for radioactive fluids with a half-life of 3 years to pass through valves. Reason unknown
  • Nuclear explosion in <country>: Huge nuclear explosion in <country> has released a vast cloud of radioactive particles, cause unknown but location suggests failure/sabotage of nuclear powerplant containment systems
  • Fidget Spinning declared a war crime
  • Child rescues clown from sewer. Parents can't believe It.
  • 'Porgs not cool' says Ewok
  • Compromise voted 'most insulting word ever'
  • Large Social Network IPO doesn't meet expectations
  • Sanctions on Burma lifted
  • Chaos as tick escapes from conference on ticks
  • Democracy decides all humans 'are equal'
  • 'Boaty McBoatface' sinks without trace
  • Juggler smiles at camera, becomes popular
  • PewDiesm found to be the fastest-growing religion
  • Crucifix sales surpass all expectations
  • Old car tires 'a key ingredient in children's sweets'
  • President accused of miming inaugural address
  • Miami police establish hotline to find killer
  • Activision CEO's child spends $6bn on IAPs
  • British MP wins right to wear sword in parliament
  • India Current Account surplus grows
  • Missing woman 'entered police box with strange man'.
  • Man covered in essential oils bursts into flames
  • Aspiring thief enters theatre. Steals spotlight
  • Child saves clown from sewer. Parents can't believe It
  • Cartoonist found dead at home. Details are sketchy.
  • COVID-19
  • COVID-19 "Stay Inside - Save Lives"
  • Child tells President that 'injecting disinfectant is Not Good'
  • Zynga 'looking to buy Clash of Clans'
  • First car in space gets speeding ticket
  • Disrespectful funeral-goer 'forget to press X'
  • Nintendo to pixelate Toad in future
  • New 3D TV sets may 'enhance brain power'
  • Kim and Don livestream Fornite from Singapore
  • US President buys condo in Greenland - claims "victory"
  • Shoe factory burns down. No soles lost
  • Astronaut ejected from airlock on ISS. Crew claimed he acted 'sus'[1]
  • Lady Dimitrescu much easier to find in a crowd claims Blood Cult Member[1]
  • England team return home without football
  • Pylons 'vital to high-tech society': A new energy report confirmed the need to construct additional pylons in order to ensure a sustainable electricity supply in the future
  • Developer says Rebel Inc. is 'best game ever'
  • Tailoring competition ends in a tie
  • Updates to Plague Inc. indefinitely delayed until someone sends us an ice cream[2]

Disaster News

  • Tsunami hits <country>: Extreme tsunami hits <country>. WHO analysts expect significant property damage and electricity shortages
  • Severe storms strike <country>: Severe storms strike heavily populated area in <country>. WHO analysis warn of crop and property damage
  • <country> experiences heavy flooding: WHO analysis warns of increased risk of disease due to heavy concentration of people in refugee camps.

CDC and WHO-related News


  • WHO study shows world's obesity epidemic increasing
  • WHO study shows global warming increasing catastrophes
  • WHO expects increases in life expectancy for next 50 years
  • WHO study says 'Million-death earthquake is possible'
  • Anti-aging drug not expected this century says WHO
  • WHO shows terrorism risk is declining around the world
  • WHO report shows happiness a key to longevity
  • Warmer oceans means more hurricanes says WHO report
  • Cure for cancer could bankrupt pension funds warns WHO
  • Stem cell treatments for all 'a decade away' says WHO


  • CDC: 38% of US adults don't walk >10mins per week
  • CDC: zombie spoof increased emergency preparedness
  • CDC: West Nile virus cases surge in 2012
  • CDC protocols 'halve dialysis bloodstream infections'
  • CDC preparedness funds hit by proposed 2014 budget
  • CDC: 20% of teen births are repeat births in the US
  • CDC pioneers new anti-malarial strategies
  • CDC smartphone key for future disease surveillance
  • CDC: Save $521m a year - smoke-free subsidized housing
  • CDC teams hunt Patient Zero
  • CDC: swine flu doesn't come from eating pork
  • CDC: don't recommend oral drug for Gonorrhea treatment
  • CDC teams close on Patient Zero
  • CDC: Female binge drinking 'under-recognized problem'
  • NASA/CDC discuss benefits of space science research
  • CDC finds 'frequent' fecal contamination in pools


These news refer to corresponding game contents or other contents.

  • "Script approved for 'Episode 7 - Taking the Mickey" is a reference to Disney making the new Star wars: The Force Awakens.
  • "AC-130 'safest place in event of 'zombie attack'." is a reference to the Dead Air campaign of Left 4 Dead.
  • "Missing woman 'entered police box with strange man'." is a reference to the TV series Doctor Who.
  • " 'Crazy Dave' convicted of Garden Centre robbery." is a reference to a character in Plants Vs. Zombies's character: Crazy dave, and the ‘Garden centre’ is also likely a reference to a map of the same name in Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.
  • "Blue hedgehog breaks land speed record" is a reference to the Sonic the Hedgehog games developed by SEGA.
  • "Top notch mine opens in Sweden: Miners and crafters look forwards to the opening of a new, top notch diamond mine which is expected to revitalise the Swedish economy" is a reference to Minecraft, which was created by Markus Persson AKA "Notch" and founder of Swedish video game developer Mojang, valued at $2.5 billion USD in 2014. And the "Top notch mine" may refers the diamond mine.
  • "Creeper arrested for destruction of virtual property" is a reference to a Creeper from Minecraft, which is known for detonating when it gets too close to you.
  • "Microsoft saves sheepish miner, rides into sunset" is a reference to the fact that Microsoft bought minecraft.
  • "Machine-gun powered jetpack banned over safety concern" is referencing the webcomic XKCD's What If section, where the author gives serious answers to absurd questions, such as "Can you make a jetpack out of machine guns?" This can also be a reference to Jetpack Joyride, an iOS endless arcade game where you start off with a machine-gun jetpack.
  • "Adventure fakes arrow to the knee trauma." Is a reference to Skyrim, in which hold guards often say: "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."
  • "Italian plumber fined for killing turtles" is a reference to Mario Bros. as Mario is a Italian plumber and Koopa Troopas look remarkably like turtles.
  • "Pop singer told to shake it off" is a reference to Taylor Swift's hit song of the same name.
  • "Gamers worldwide begin worshipping helix fossil" is a reference to Twitch Plays Pokemon, where Omanyte, the fossil Pokemon within the Helix Fossil, is seen as a god.
  • "Goat union demands royalties from game dev" is a reference to the video game Goat Simulator published by Coffee Stain Studios.
  • "Valve Timer slower than thought: Researchers have calculated that it takes longer than expected for radioactive fluids with a half-life of 3 years to pass through valves. Reason unknown" is a reference to video game company Valve, and half-life here are both reference to actual half-life, and Half-Life 3, which was never released despite being promised and highly anticipated.
  • "Child saves clown from sewer. Parents can't believe It" is a reference to the movie It, where the main antagonist is a sewer-dwelling clown named Pennywise who returns to torment children every 27 or so years. Take note of how 'It' is capitalized.
  • "Mankini not funny, says Kazakh professor" is a reference to Borat, a Kazakh journalist character created by the comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, known for wearing a characteristic green mankini. The character got very badly received by Kazakh people, considered racist and offensive by them.
  • 'Hot single looking for you in this area" refers to advertisements using a similar slogan.
  • "Canadians Celebrate Hay-Herbert Treaty" This news refers to a joke put in by the game designers because an error in the game made it impossible for Alaska to be part of the USA.
  • 'Nintendo to pixelate Toad in future' is a reference to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, a Nintendo game.
  • 'Miami police establish hotline to find killer' is a reference to Hotline Miami, a video game.
  • "Pylons 'vital to high-tech society': A new energy report confirmed the need to construct additional pylons in order to ensure a sustainable electricity supply in the future" is a reference to the Starcraft franchise from Blizzard Entertainment, more specifically the Protoss Pylons and the phrase : "You must construct additional pylons"
  • 'Astronaut ejected from airlock on ISS. Crew claimed he acted 'sus'' is a reference to Among Us.
  • 'England team return home without football' is a reference to UEFA Euro 2020, where England lost in the finals.
  • "Girl returns from valley of monuments inside out" is a reference to Monument Valley.


  1. 1.0 1.1 NdemicCreations (June 16, 2021). "Want to have your very own news headline featured in Plague Inc.? Show us what you've got!". Twitter Retrieved on August 1, 2021.
  2. "Oh… ok. I totally understand why." (2022-07-25). Reddit Retrieved on July 25, 2022.