News (Neurax Worm)

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Neurax Worm Articles
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News - Government Actions

The Neurax Worm is one of those plagues that, as soon as the first case was reported, several governments and health institutions will start sending out reports about how alarming it is as evidence shows that the pathogen can alter the psychological functioning of the infected population.

List of News

Disease Reports

  • Neurax Worm emerges!: <plague name> is a Neurax Worm, undiscovered for thousands of years. Now humans have entered its natural habitat and given it the means to spread...
  • Infected worship <plague name>: People infected with <plague name> are reporting visions of Rapture and a glorious new overlord species. Without a cure, life as we know it will be over
  • <plague name> 'just another parasite': Scientists tell public not to worry about <plague name>. Although unpleasant, it does not appear to cause any symptoms in humans and will be 'easily cured '
  • Disturbing reports of <plague name>: Scientists prove that <plague name> could theoretically manipulate human thoughts to it's advantage. More research is needed
  • <plague name> enslaves humanity: The whole world worships <plague name> as their god and master. Efforts to cure the plague have ceased and humanity is entering a dark new future as a slave species

Country Reports

  • <country>'s population now worships the Neurax Worm
  • <country> bans Neurax Host discrimination
  • <country> votes to reduce cure effort
  • <country> considers reducing Neurax Worm cure effort
  • <country> considers reducing cure effort
  • <country> bans long hair
  • <country> bans hats and headwear
  • <country> bans headwear
  • <country> holds Compulsory Neurax Infection Sessions
  • <country> sets up Neurax Education sessions
  • <country> legalises Neurax communities
  • <country> votes to pause cure effort
  • <country> legalises Worm stop and search
  • <country> sets up Suicide stations (if Suicide is Evolved)
  • <country> sets up public Brawling stations (if Aggression is Evolved)
  • <country> legalises Gladiator combat
  • <country> legalises 'Death Racing'

Obsession Headlines

  • New obsession: avoiding parasitic worms: Reports are coming in all over the world of an extreme obsession with avoiding parasitic worms - severe measures being taken to avoid infection
  • New obsession: eradicating parasitic worms
  • New obsession: earthworm collecting