Strategy Guides/Getting Colder

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The following are strategies and tips for the Getting Colder achievement. Please feel free to add your own below:

Strategy 1

Genetic code is not required to acquire this achievement. The suggested genes are:

  1. Start in Egypt.
  2. Evolve the ability Heat Resistance 1 and the transmission Saliva 1. This must be done in the first 60 days.
  3. Wait for a popup message which says:
    • Exploration of secret tomb in Pyramid of Giza continues
  4. Wait for two red news headlines:
    • Pyramid of Giza hieroglyphs ‘warn of ancient plague’
    • Mummy from Pyramid of Giza tomb has ‘odd bite marks’
  5. Evolve the symptoms InsomniaFeverPhotophobiaDelirium and Cytopathic Reanimation.
  6. Wait for a popup message that says:
    • <plague name> may have come from Pyramid of Giza
  7. Devolve Heat Resistance 1
  8. Evolve the abilities Cold Resistance 1 & 2.
  9. Wait for a popup message that says:
    • <plague name> DNA disproves Giza link

The achievement is now earned - GamerSketch (Credits to Mace of Yo It's Spicy)