Power Overwhelming

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Power Overwhelming.jpg Achievement Name: Power Overwhelming
Achievement Description: Consume the bones at Stonehenge
Value: n/a Difficulty: Any

Power Overwhelming is an achievement in the Shadow Plague DLC. It Requires the player to Consume all skeletons of the ancient Vampires in the Stonehenge.

How To get this achievement

Recommended genes:


  1. Start anywhere but UK
    1. Recommended to star on Turkey or Central Europe to prevent other events from starting
    2. Start in one, then fly to the other. Try to get at least 1 kill in both
  2. Evolve Therianthropy and Travel Speed 1 + 2 or Therianthropy and Night Wraith
  3. Keep your vampire busy flying and make sure it doesn't kill too many people, or else all events will not trigger!
    1. You can spam the flight ability just before arriving at any country to prevent the related discover pop ups
  4. Wait until the news ticker (not a popup): "Tourists topple Standing Stone at Stonehenge."
  5. Evolve Shadow Blessing and begin to spread your disease. Store DNA by infecting other countrys
    1. (Recommended) Create a lair near the UK to use later when you evolve Shadow Portal.
  6. Wait for the 2 following news tickers:
    1. "Ancient chamber uncovered at Stonehenge"
    2. "Mutated skeleton found at Stonehenge".
  7. After those 2, wait for a news 2 that reads: "Mutated Skeleton Infected with (Insert Plague name here)."
    1. This one seens to be completely random
    2. It could deppend if you killed too much or if you spread to much while flying around
    3. Not sure if UK needs or not to be infected (already made it with the UK infected)
    4. You can try to evolve Air 1 and 2 + Water 1 and 2 (around 66 DNA) to see if it helps, but do not evolve Bioaerosol
  8. Some time after that, a news ticker will read "Stonehenge may hold key to curing (Insert Plague name here)."
    1. Now it will deppend if the cure is or not too much advanced. If it is, you will need to restart/reload, if not, you can continue to waith
  9. After seeing that, you need to PAY ATTENTION
    1. Start to spam the Flight Ability just before arriving at any country, to instantly start to fly again.
    2. Do this to prevent the pop ups that they discovered you from showing up.
    3. Also, save as oftem as you can, as you will randomly be discovered
  10. Do the flying until the following 4 news tickers show up:
    1. Scanning detects more chambers under Stonehenge
    2. Traces of huge battle found under Stonehenge
    3. Stonehenge "built to prevent discovery of graves"
    4. Sacrificial altar found deep under Stonehenge.
  11. Now you can be discovere, and you need the templars to show up. Evolve from Blood Rage up to Demonic Fury and start to destroy all WHO labs to slow down the Cure progress and harvest some DNA points. Try to stay near UK if you dont have a lair near it
  12. Wait for a Popup that reads: "Templar declare Stonehenge a high risk location"
  13. Evolve Dark Ritual 1 and Dark Ritual 2 and Fly to UK. You have between 10-20 days to do it
  14. Perform Blood Rage on UK. After that, a popup will read: "Stonehenge consumed by Shadow" and you will get the achievement. You will also be rewarded with some DNA points. If you fail to do it, the templars will nuke Stonehenge and you will need to reload/restart


  • ‘Power Overwhelming’ is likely a reference to the Protoss Archon from Starcraft.