WHO laboratories

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Lab Icon (PC Version)

WHO Research Laboratories, also known as WHO Research Labs, WHO Laboratories, or simply WHO Labs, are considered to be the Shadow Plague equivalent of Gen-Sys labs. The labs have a flask on the roof but if attacked, the flask will have a red X over it after a few seconds being attacked by sending vampires to the lab or by filling the country with Shadow Slaves. A slash in cure research will increase the time to cure the plague. A popup will appear with a destroyed lab. They are relatively easy to destroy, similar to those in the Simian Flu. However, unlike the Simian Flu, if the player evolves Shadow Slaves, they will actively destroy any WHO lab in their country. The cure counter will skyrocket by 2 every few seconds. This poses a hazard as the plague will be eradicated if the labs are left untouched.


If a country with a lab is left untouched, the money they use to cure the Shadow Plague can rise up to high numbers.

The World Health Organization will establish laboratories in different laboratories when reports of the dangers of the Shadow Plague begin to emerge. These labs are designed to increase the progress of the cure, in the event that the cure is completed, the player loses the game, because the vampire can no longer consume human blood because if he does so he will be poisoned as the entire world population has taken the cure, which is designed to be very lethal to the vampire.

In the event that the WHO establishes a laboratory in a country, this will cause the country to become much more difficult to infect, since this will make local infectivity decrease, additionally said laboratory will make public order in the country will increase, making it more difficult for the country to enter anarchy in addition to their research allocation, it will be much higher than normal regardless of their number of flasks.[Note 1]

New Lab Established

The player will have different methods to destroy these laboratories, one of the most common is to travel to a specific country, or in the case that the player possesses teleportation skills such as Shadow Portal to make it much faster,[2] in order to destroy the laboratory created by WHO using Blood Rage,[2] which allows the player to put the vampire into a much more aggressive state to destroy military bases and research centers, although while doing so, the vampire will lose a certain amount of health/energy, depending on the strength of the country's bases.

Lad Destroyed using Blood Rage

Alternatively, if the player uses the "Shadow Slaves" symptom and in addition to the fact that a large part of the population of the country where the laboratory is established is infected by the disease, the population of the country will try to attack and destroy the laboratories[3] since this symptom is in charge of performing neuropathic alterations, which causes the infected to lose control of themselves and follow the vampire's orders, which are mainly to attack anyone who tries to find a cure.

In case the player destroys a laboratory, the progress of the cure will be reduced, additionally the public order in the country will worsen and the infection will increase a little more in that nation.[Note 2]


  1. The governmental action is called "who_lab_established", the variables that it alters are "change_local_infectiousness" in which it is decreased by 1, additionally the variables of "change_public_order" and "change_research_allocation" will be increased by 0.1[1]
  2. The government action is called "who_lab_destroyed" in which the variables it alters are "change_public_order" and "change_research_allocation" in which they are reduced by -0.1 while the "change_local_infectiousness" variable is increased by 1.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shadow Plague Information - Game Files (See govactions_vampire.txt)
  2. 2.0 2.1 u/Sami2024 (2021-08-25). "How to beat shadow plague on mega brutal". Reddit Retrieved on April 10, 2023.
  3. Ishawi1996 (2016-11-18). "How to beat cure for shadow plague". Steam Discussions Retrieved on April 10, 2023.