Nuclear Retaliation

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Nuke Icon.png

Nuclear Retaliation is a news event on Plague Inc. The event begins with a news popup informing that the USA president has contracted the plague and has taken ill, and it is unknown if he can remain in power. Shortly after, another popup informs that the president has been replaced by Spalin, instead of the vice president, as it should be.

President Spalin accuses China or Russia of having released the plague as a biological weapon to attack the USA. If the generals are not able to stop her, Spalin nukes one of the two countries, annihilating its entire population.


China's Event

Russia's Event

  • In order to activate the first event, the player must evolve "Drug Resistance 2", in addition, the infected population in the United States must be between 1% and 90%. Also to be able to activate this event, the public order in this country must be more than 0.3, after these conditions are met a message will appear saying that the president of the United States has been infected with the disease. Note: This event will not occur if the player is in Speedrun Mode.
  • After that, the player must evolve Insanity, in addiction, the public order in the United States must be more than 0.3, then a message will appear saying that Spalin has been elected as the new president of the United States.
  • If the player evolves "Cold Resistance 2", Spalin will threaten Russia while if the player evolves "Bird 2", she will threaten China. For this to happen, the local priority in the United States must be higher than 35 and the public order must be higher than 0.3.
  • After this event occurs, the player must evolve "Paralysis" and depending on the country that Spalin has threatened, she will launch nuclear weapons. Note: This event will not happen if the population of Russia or China is completely dead.