Public Order

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Public Order is the state of emergency in which a country finds itself when facing the plague. There are six states of emergency about the current society in a country: Business as usual, General Disruption, Widespread Disorder, Close to anarchy, Total anarchy, and No longer exists.

Emergency states

Business as usual

  • When you start a game, this shows in every country. Cure research runs at normal speed.
  • When the country is fully infected, the City Cam will start radiating a red hue.

General Disruption

  • When people are starting to die in that country.
  • Cure research is starting to slow. The cure research speed in that country will start to slow down, showing as broken flasks. Usually, 0-2 flasks worth of cure research are lost. Sometimes this can happen after a natural disaster.
  • When a country is first to break down into General disruption, a popup will appear, with the accompanying news headline:
    • <Country> begins to break down.
    • Normal life in <Country> is beginning to break down due to <Plague Name>.

Widespread Disorder

  • This shows when even more people in that country have died.
  • Cure research speed slows down even more, but the closures still remain in place. About half or slightly more than half of the country's flasks are gone at this point.
  • Usually, airports, seaports, and/or land borders have closed down.

Close to Anarchy

  • At this time, the country usually declares martial law. About half to three and a half quarters of the people in that country have died. Cure research nearly stops in that country. A country in Close to Anarchy would only have 1-3 flasks left, leading to sluggish cure research speed.
  • If a country never enters Total Anarchy, and is destroyed while it is still in Close to Anarchy, the news will say this: <Country>'s government has collapsed.

Total Anarchy

  • Usually happens when there are less than 3-20 percent of people are alive in that country, the cure research stops and the borders open.
  • This shows in a pop-up as: <Country> in anarchy.
  • If a country goes in Total Anarchy, the government will fall, meaning that no more government actions can be taken against the plague, and cure research can no longer be conducted.
  • This appears as: <Country>'s government has fallen.

No longer exists

  • When everyone in that country has died, that country is considered destroyed. Ports and airports close down, but borders open if they were closed down previously.
  • The country itself will be greyed out, and on the world menu screen in Plague Inc: Evolved, the country will be colored black on the map in the top left corner of the screen.

City Cam

Main Article: City Cam

The public order also correlates to the city cams, showing the breakdown of society.

  • If a country is healthy (Business as usual), the city cams show a regular day of life, with no trace of a plague.
  • When a country is in General Disruption, the city cam changes to a situation where police and/or some doctors are trying to do something about the plague. The camera's image starts to get a bit dirty/cracked and starts to get a slight red hue.
  • In the case that a country is in Widespread Disorder, the city cam changes, people are now rioting, it appears martial law is starting in some countries as shown from the tanks and helicopters and soldiers appearing. (Except for Sudan and New Guinea where in their Widespread Disorder cam, shows medic stations and people trying to cure the disease. And S.E Asia where it just shows a peaceful protest). The camera lens start to be noticeably cracked and in a red hue.
  • At close to anarchy, the city cam stays the same however, the city cam lens is now becoming even more cracked, scratched and dirty, and now it's covered in an ominous crimson red making it very difficult to see what's going on in the country. The riots turned to violence and destruction, and a key sign is showing that society is about to collapse.
  • At Total Anarchy, the City Cam changes for the last time. It shows that everyone is dead, chaos has burned everything to the ground, tanks and leftovers of the measures taken to control the plague remain. Sometimes, in the City Cams of some countries, flags or banners appear containing messages written in the native language of the country, these messages usually say "A cure for us" or "Help", and its meant to show that the last people that are about to die are putting banners and cries for help that would never happen. In the ground the corpses of people can be seen in body bags or lying there. The City Cam stays that ominous red and is completely cracked, possibly showing that there are still people alive, fighting for what's left and little other reason.
  • Finally, at No longer exists, the camera stays with the same image, however now in a muddy, decayed gray, with that same "No longer exists" image, however the image is now easier to see, likely because there is no one ransacking anymore, and the clear up shows a wasteland of corpses, broken cars, biohazards, cries for help, and rotting infrastructure.
  • The color of the hue in the City Cams General Disruption onward depends on what plague type you are playing as. Red for the standard plagues, orange for the Neurax Worm, dark red for Necroa Virus, yellow for the Simian Flu, and purple for the Shadow Plague.


A country can declare Martial Law at any time during the breakdown before anarchy, but is commonly in Close to anarchy and Widespread Disorder.

  • A country's society can go back a stage. Example: From Widespread Disorder to General Disruption.
    • This is most common when your plague is cured, or when a country is cured/recovered from the plague in Cure Mode. When a country has access to the cure, it will go back to Business as usual when basically everyone is cured, no matter how many people have died.
    • Alternatively, another common way (albeit only on mobile versions) is when in Cure Mode, you use an upgraded Targeted Economic Aid on a country that has 100% Non-Compliance, which will then become more compliant, returning the country to its previous state of public order. It may be a bug, as when a country is 100% Non-Compliant, it says that it is in Total Anarchy, yet the government has not fallen nor has it collapsed. Another reason it may be a bug is because it still shows that country working on cure (if cure started) when cure progress should be gone normally. However, this may also be intentional, as it may mean it is a breakdown of the social fabric of the country, not a breakdown in the government itself.
  • Natural disasters can cause a country to go from Business as usual to General Disruption.
    • Earthquakes are the only natural disaster that can send a country into Widespread Disorder (even if the country is at business as usual), as there is an extremely small chance that if a country is struck once by an earthquake and sent into General Disruption, it can be struck again by another earthquake, leading to Widespread Disorder.
