No Idea

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No Idea.jpg Achievement Name: No Idea
Achievement Description: Evolve 'Total Brain Death' in the first year and win
Value: Difficulty: Any

No Idea is an achievement exclusive to the Simian Flu. It requires that the player win after evolving Total Brain Death in the first year.

Strategy Guides

Strategy written by KingOfKretaceous
Originally submitted on April 30, 2016; 8 years ago (2016-04-30)
  • Note: This strategy may take multiple times to work.

Genetic Code

These genes aren't required. You can change them.


  1. Start in Egypt, but you can start wherever. If you start in a rich country, use DNA points for Drug Resistance 1.
  2. Start evolving Transmission upgrades. It doesn't matter which. Even if it increases mutation, that is okay. The mutations will hopefully help increase infectivity.
  3. You'll probably get noticed after a while. Let some more symptoms evolve, watch the cure stagger up a bit, and hope that every country gets infected before 1 year. Transmission and mutated symptoms should help speed up this process. If the cure gets too high for your comfort, evolve Simian Neuro-Genesis to setback the cure efforts. If it still doesn't satisfy you, evolve one or two Genetic Reshuffles and the Genetic Hardenings. Save the last few Genetic Reshuffle(s) for later.
  4. Once every country is infected, and the infected population is about 7 billion, evolve Total Brain Death if it hasn't been more than a year, and any other Neuro-enhancements if they haven't been mutated by then. The other symptoms and Transmissions should help infect the last healthy people.
  5. Watch the world burn, and fight the cure. You'd probably be angry if you had done all the other steps successfully, and then they finish the cure. If you haven't already, use those last Genetic Reshuffle(s). Eventually the cure should come to a halt. Don't be concerned if you start on 4/30/16 or a date like that, evolve Total Brain Death before one year comes around, and then it takes until about 9/21/17 or a similar date for the game to end. You only need to evolve Total Brain Death before a year.

Gallery / Results

Screenshot of Achievement Earned (Image Date: April 30, 2016)