List of government actions (Neurax Worm)

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The special plague type of Neurax Worm presents symptoms that help control the brain of those infected. In countries with large numbers of infected people, as different symptoms evolve, the disease can alter the sense of society by causing them to do maniacal or dangerous things that will help to deteriorate public order in that country.

List of Actions

Actions caused by the Disease Symptoms

Much of the symptoms of the Neurax Worm have some effect on the way the infected behave, the player can use these traits to cause chaos in countries where there is a large percentage of people infected by the Neura Worm.These actions usually cause the public order to be partially reduced in the country, and in some cases may even increase infectivity or cause certain deaths due to the legalization of certain things such as fights and death races.

Cognitive Scrambling

The Cognitive Scrambling symptom provokes a series of governmental actions, whose effects are mainly to reduce public order, consisting in the fact that the government of a country starts to go out of control and begins to decree a lot of nonsense laws, such as banning laughing or declaring that every day is Christmas.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Bans April Fools Day
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Bans clowns
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Bans clowns
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Concerned about Zombie attack
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Supports Illuminati Conspiracy
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Rejects AIDS / HIV link
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Declares every day is Christmas
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Launches Search for ET
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Denies 'mind control' Plague
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order


In the event that the player evolves Aggression, most of the infected will become violent towards each other, so much so that governments will start to legalize and encourage all kinds of dangerous events, resulting in an increase in the lethality of that country, causing the death of a certain part of the population.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action 'Death fights' legalised
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Aggression Required
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity, +1 in Severity, +3 in Lethality & -0.1 in Public Order
Government Action 'Death Racing' legalised
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Aggression Required
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity, +1 in Severity, +2 in Lethality & -0.1 in Public Order
Government Action Gladiator combat legalised
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Aggression Required
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity, +1 in Severity, +1 in Lethality & -0.1 in Public Order
Government Action Gladiator combat legalised
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Aggression Required
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity, +1 in Severity, +0.5 in Lethality & -0.15 in Public Order

Perceptive Jolt

The symptom of Perceptive Jolt mainly affects the way infected people interact with the world and with each other. In infected countries, the governments of the world will try to implement measures to spread the disease and will perceive all those who try to find a cure or reason as criminals.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Journalists arrested
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Effects +1 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Declares Worm Racing day
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Refuses to isolate infected
Local Priority 70 Global Priority 0
Effects +5 in Local Infectivity

Other Symptoms

In this plague, there are certain symptoms that have a much smaller role in the game such as Immaturity, in which countries where there is a certain amount of infected people will try to "jokingly" infect healthy people, which helps especially to quickly infect the world in a short time. Another symptom that plays a small role in this plague is the "Suicide" symptom, in which the Neurax Larva will command the infected to take their own lives, the situation can worsen when the government of a country starts to install suicide stations, increasing considerably the lethality in that country.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Prank' infections reported
Local Priority 10 Global Priority 0
Immaturity Required
Effects +5 in Local Infectivity & +1 in Severity
Government Action Suicide stations set up
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Suicide Required
Effects +10 in Lethality

Healthcare Actions

For this plague, health care actions consist mainly in protecting the head to avoid any new contagion, so much so that if the disease becomes too severe, they began to shave the heads of the entire population of the country in order to stop it. Additionally, if the player evolves certain symptoms, the governments of the countries will try to modify the health system to make it more efficient to treat the disease such as the massive supply of Anti-Depressants when Despair is evolved or to establish several asylums for the insane, in case the disease presents the symptom of Insanity.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Adds Antidepressants to water
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Despair Required
Effects -2 in Local Infectivity & -6 in Severity
Government Action Insane asylums opened
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 0
Insanity Required
Effects -3 in Local Infectivity & -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Enforces mandatory baldness
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 0
Effects -0.05 in Public Order
Government Action Headwear banned
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
Disease is discovered
Effects -1 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Long Hair Banned
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
Disease is discovered
Effects -1 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Worm Searches legalised
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Disease is discovered
Effects -2 in Local Infectivity

Transportation Actions

The Neurax Worm can alter the way humans are transported using Perceptive Shift, which can cause governments to temporarily reopen or re-open airports, seaports and land borders. Additionally, several statements in the game's news bar stipulate that governments do these actions for "economic reasons".

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Airports Reopened
Local Priority 11 Global Priority 0
The country's airports have previously been closed
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity & +1 in Air Transmission
Government Action Airports Re-closed
Local Priority 65 Global Priority 65
The country's airports must previously be reopened using the Perceptive Shift symptom
Effects -3 in Local Infectivity & -1 in Air Transmission
Government Action Land Borders Reopened
Local Priority 16 Global Priority 0
The country's land borders have previously been closed
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity & +1 in Land Transmission
Government Action Land Borders Re-closed
Local Priority 65 Global Priority 65
The country's land borders must previously be reopened using the Perceptive Shift symptom
Effects -3 in Local Infectivity & -1 in Land Transmission
Government Action Ports Reopened
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
The country's seaports have previously been closed
Effects +3 in Local Infectivity & +1 in Sea Transmission
Government Action Land Borders Re-closed
Local Priority 65 Global Priority 65
The country's seaports must previously be reopened using the Perceptive Shift symptom
Effects -3 in Local Infectivity & -1 in Sea Transmission

Cure Reduction

There are several mind control symptoms that the Neurax Worm possesses such as Adoration and Devotion, these symptoms can help convince humans to considerably reduce the cure, which gives the player a certain advantage in winning the game.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Considers reducing cure effort
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
Adoration Required
Effects No direct effect but it serves to unblock other government actions
Government Action Cure efforts reduced
Local Priority 30 Global Priority 0
Devotion Required
The government has previously considered reducing the cure
Effects -0.3 in Research Allocation
Government Action Cure efforts paused
Local Priority 50 Global Priority 0
Devotion Required
The government has previously partially curtailed the cure development
Effects -0.6 in Research Allocation

Society Stability Actions

The player can cause much damage to the public order of infected countries by using certain symptoms such as Worship, Devotion and Transcendence, in which country governments will pass laws promoting Neurax Worm infections.

Specific Statistics for each Action

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Government Action Neurax communities legalized
Local Priority 15 Global Priority 0
Adoration Required
Effects +5 in Local Infecitivity
Government Action Neurax host discrimination banned
Local Priority 15 Global Priority 0
Adoration Required
Effects +5 in Local Infecitivity
Government Action Set up Neurax Education sessions
Local Priority 20 Global Priority 0
Devotion Required
Effects +5 in Local Infectivity
Government Action Neurax Infection Sessions held
Local Priority 25 Global Priority 0
Transcendence Required
Effects +40 in Local Infectivity & -0.1 in Research Allocation


In the event that the player evolves the Transcendence symptom, the Neurax Worm will assume total control of the infected, causing them to begin to worship the larva. When this happens the governments and the population of the country will praise the disease causing the public order to be reduced considerably, in addition to the infectivity will rise greatly and also the lethality rate in the country will rise a little. The player will win the game if all countries have executed this action. Alternatively there is a similar governance action which is "Submitted to the Neurax Worm", which has very little chance of coming out.


  • Neurax Worm Government Actions - (Game File Name: govactions__neurax.txt) (Game Version: 1.18.0 (Android))
    • Note: All the information on this page was obtained by extracting the game files using external tools, in addition some variables have been transformed from decimals to percentages such as the requirement of infected or dead population for an action to be performed.