Science Denial

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Scenario science denial.png
"People no longer believe in science. Popular opinion has shifted against objective truth and towards 'alternative facts'. But when a terrifying new plague is unleashed, ginkgo tree extract, healing crystals and snake oil can only do so much. Can the exiled experts save the world?"
— Plague Inc., Science Denial introduction paragraph

Science Denial is a plague type and scenario in the Mutation 1.16 update, along with the Ultimate Board Games scenario.


Similar to Sovereign Default, research capabilities has been slashed to about half the usual amount, leaving only 158 flasks worldwide, as the world rejects science. This favors the player most of the time, as it takes much longer to develop a cure. There are no cure bubbles to destroy, meaning Catalytic Switch is useless.

To compensate for the reduced development capabilities, a “Super Science” utopia will spawn in a random country, granting that country the maximum Cure Effort potential, with 10 flasks. It will be revealed in a pop-up later in the game.

Additionally, when the cure is developed successfully for the first time in this scenario, it will fail to deploy. Furious anti-science protesters will destroy the cure, essentially doubling the research requirement.

If the science utopia was destroyed by the plague or the protestors, humans will stop believe in quarantine and are willing to reopen their borders, if they've closed them before. This does not prevent them from being closed by the government thereafter, however.


These are some art concepts during the development of this scenario.[1]


Complete science denial.jpg Achievement Name: Complete Science Denial
Achievement Description: Score three biohazards in the Science Denial scenario
Value: Difficulty: Any


  1. NdemicCreations (August 1, 2021). "A few early concepts for the Science Denial scenario. What do you think?". Twitter Retrieved on August 1, 2021.