Rules are for losers

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RulesAreForLosers.jpg Achievement Name: Rules are for losers
Achievement Description: Initiative combo: Rules are for losers
Value: 1 pts Difficulty: Any

Rules are for Losers is an exclusive achievement of the Cure Mode, which is obtained after combining certain operations with a response.

How to get this achievement?

  • You can obtain the achievement by trying to cure any type of plague in this mode, although it is generally recommended to use the Virus plague type.[1]
  • To obtain the achievement, you must first obtain Mask Wearing. After that get the Censorship and Fake News operations.
  • Remember to save your game when you get these operations,[1] because the event is random and can take some times to appear.
  • After people believe that the masks cause lethal CO2 poisoning, the player will get the achievement although the Global Infectivity will go up plus 2.[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 rjdimo; Solara (2022-10-28). "Plague Inc: Evolved - COMPLETE Achievement Guide (v1.19.1)". Steam Retrieved on November 26, 2022.
  2. Cure Mode Events - Game Files (See standard__cure.txt) (Note: The event in the game files is called "cure_combo_snitches", and the variable that affects this combo upon completion is "globalInfectiousness".)