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Planes are one of the 2 transportation available in Plague Inc. There are 3 Human-Controlled Planes in the game.

Civilian Planes

The common plane of all is the civilian plane. At the start of the game, they will do nothing but fly through countries with a functional airport.


If you purchase Air 1 or Air 2 These planes would most likely be a transmitter of the Player's Plague

But be careful as the Governments will shut their airports.

Cure Planes

Once a message pops on your screen indicating: "(Country) leading global cure effort" Cyan colored planes with research teams from the specified country in the message will be sent all around the world. These planes will pop blue bubbles that will speed cure research. Unlike civilian planes, These planes can travel to countries without an airport, also transmissions have proved inefficient.

Gensys Planes (Plague Inc Evolved)

In the establishment of a Gen-sys lab, There is a small detail about a plane heading to a country that will have a Gen-sys Lab. Unfortunately, this detail is not available in IoS or Mobile.

Combatant Planes (ZCom and Templar Industries)

This will be separated into variants to avoid confusion

Base planes (Zcom)

Once a Z Com fortress has enough resources. It will establish another outpost in a country without zombies, a small number of zombies a healthy one.

A Zcom Plane in Plague Inc Evolved

if the modified outpost has enough resources the loop will continue.

Regeneration Planes (The Templar)

If a Templar base is once destroyed. Random small planes will fly through Templar Controlled bases increasing their health and combat strength.

Non-human Planes

Planes such as the Trojan Planes or Gift Planes are only controllable for the player