Plague Blossom

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Plague Blossom is the 5th track of Plague Inc. Original Soundtrack.


The music is exclusive to Plague Inc: Evolved, used for the game's seven main disease types. For the original Plague Inc. game, the main theme is Plague Bloom, which bears a similar title.


  • This is the longest track in the album, as it lasts for 6 minutes and 30 seconds. The second longest track is All In Your Head.
  • The BPM of the music is 80 BPM.
  • When loading a saved game from the main menu, the menu's track (Evolution) fades into Plague Blossom upon displaying the game screen.
Plague Inc. Original Soundtrack
InitiationEvolutionAdverse ReactionsAll In Your HeadPlague BlossomDirect ControlZ Com FallsPlague BloomSimian DawnNox EternisFlatten The CurveRoses