Nox Eternis

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Nox Eternis is the 10th track of Plague Inc. Original Soundtrack.


The track is ominous, consisting of vampire growls, a church organ, choir, etc.


The music is used in the original Plague Inc. game and Plague Inc: Evolved as the Shadow Plague's theme.


The choir's language is somewhat Latin, but currently, the lyrics are barely understandable.


  • The track was added to the album upon release of the Shadow Plague's add-on.
  • "Nox Eternis" is a Latin title, translating to "eternal darkness" or "eternal night".
  • All of the vampire noises are recorded by the music's composer Marius Malasar.[1]
  • When asked about the lyrics and translation, Marius answered that the lyrics are a part of an old incantation, as he does not recommend looking up the rest.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Devblog - Inside Shadow Plague's vampiric soundtrack - Ndemic Creations
Plague Inc. Original Soundtrack
InitiationEvolutionAdverse ReactionsAll In Your HeadPlague BlossomDirect ControlZ Com FallsPlague BloomSimian DawnNox EternisFlatten The CurveRoses