Neural Enhancers

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Neural Enhancers is an exclusive operation to treat Prion in Cure Mode. It helps the countries infected by the disease to continue contributing to the cure, in addition to making sure that the player does not lose too much authority when a lot of clusters of infections occur.


  • Since one of the Prion's symptoms is Insanity, it makes people in heavily infected countries unable to contribute to the cure, thus losing a lot of funding for vaccine development, so it is necessary to evolve this operation so that the funding for the vaccine is sufficient for the vaccine to be developed in time.[3]


  1. Cure Mode Event Information - Game Files (See standard_cure.txt) (Note: This operation triggers an event called "cure_prion_speed_1", and changes the "prionInfectedThresholdMulty" variable to 0.1)
  2. Cure Mode Prion Stats - Game Files (See cure #56883.txt) (Note: The variable that changes this operation is "change_to_authority_inf_multi", related to the analysis of the disease.)
  3. Pravus (2021-02-01). "Plague Inc: The Cure - Prion Mega-Brutal Guide". YouTube Retrieved on August 6, 2022.