How to Play menu

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How to Play menu is a menu which appears on the main menu, along with "Play" and "Progress" on the Plague Inc. mobile version. When clicked, there will be two options. One is to play the tutorial, and another is to the manual. The manual gives players basic tips on how to play the game.


Main article: Tutorial


The following tips appear on the menu. They are split up by their subsequent sub-menus. More information may be found in the slideshow below:

What to do when the game starts

  • Select a country to start your disease
  • Begin to infect people
  • Collect DNA Points

What to do in the middle of the game

What to do at the end of the game

  • Kill everyone!
  • Revel in statistics
  • Win: only the strongest survive

Disease core stats

Evolution categories

How to spread your disease

  • Inside a country
  • Between countries
  • If a country is locked down

How to adapt to different countries

  • Country overview
  • Country climate
  • Country demographics

The Cure and how to stop it

  • What the cure is
  • How to defend against the cure
  • How to stop the cure

Special events and actions

  • Disease Research Teams
  • Mutations
  • Government actions

Slideshow with tips

The following slideshow puts all tip sub-menus in order. All tips are included: